Fri 2 Dec, 2011 08:50 pm
There was no fi ghting or name- calling, so it was a one- day story. Did you miss it? Don’t miss the point. Conflict may work better in politics or in boosting the ratings of news programs, but cooperation works better in real life. Americans need victories in real life.
This is a short passage from Bill Clinton's new book BACK TO WORK. He is talking about the benefits of President Obama's deal with auto makers and the UAW to increase the average fuel economy of Ameica's auto fleet to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
What does he mean by a one-day story?
miss it? miss the point? miss what?
It means that it didn't make much impact on the news media. The story was in the news for just one day, then was forgotten unlike many major stories that get covered for days and days and weeks at a time.