@Joe Nation,
Woo hoo! What the he'll you gonna be doing?
Thomas wrote:Roberta wrote:I'm kvelling for you (not painful).
What does "kvelling" mean?
Kvelling generally means bursting with pride although I'm sure Boida can explain it far better than I.
Let us know how everything went.
Good luck with it!
Thanks. "Kvelling" is right, then.
@Joe Nation,
This is just fabulous to read, I'm so delighted for you
love you Joe<your 2785th life will be the one smiling>Nation - hugs to you and C xxxx
jespah wrote:
Thomas wrote:Roberta wrote:I'm kvelling for you (not painful).
What does "kvelling" mean?
Kvelling generally means bursting with pride although I'm sure Boida can explain it far better than I.
Can't argue with jes, but I see the word as meaning feeling wonderful for someone else's good fortune. She's probably righter than I am.
I think you're both right. The two definitions are not necessarily contradictory. In fact, the reason to use the Yiddisher word is because it can express so much more than any single word in English.
I wonder how it worked out ?
I 've been pacing back n forth !
Congrats Joe~! Keep us tuned in to the "days of our lives."
Maybe he did not complete his nap, yet.
I certainly hope this work business is voluntary.
@Joe Nation,
Congratzs Jo I am sure any company would gain allot with someone like you in the staff...an espresso won´t let you sleep for sure ! Best of luck !
Hey there, Mr Nation, we would all love to know how your first day on the job went for you.
So, apart from feeling really tired, was it a good start?
Have fun!
Thomas wrote:
What does "kvelling" mean?
From the German "quellen" = to be extremely proud.
He hasn't come back yet, and here we're dying to find out how his first day went! It's almost like the first day of school - parents are awaiting anxiously their kid
I saw a pretty optimistic comment about the first day over on FB.
@Joe Nation,
That's exciting. Good luck at your new job! Hope your work will be much more enjoyable than an excess of leisure time, so you won't miss not having that nap, and that your new co-workers are pleasant and interesting.
Thank you, ehbeth, I just found it on FB. Looks like he's exhausted, but happy!
Well, it went well. I met the rest of the staff and the really nice fellow I'll be working closely with for the foreseeable future. I have a nice desk in a sunny room and a ton of things to learn about the company and its products.
Let's see. How much to say?
The company is based in China and makes everything from very fine stainless steel wire to hospital beds. In between those two is the motor fan division of which I am the sole US sales representative. That's the good news and the bad news. Good because they have a solid reputation elsewhere, bad because they have had no exposure in the US market.
No wait, that's the good news because that's my job.
First, there will be a learning process. I worked in a factory as a kid making motors, so I understand the manufacturing process (or, at least, the basic principles and parts involved) . Now, I am studying charts of air flow performance and trying to remember what the differences are between forward curved and backward curved centrifugal fans.
The General Manager and his assistant are great, very excited about opening these new markets for their company and very eager to learn better English. That's actually part of my job as well. My team member is the engineer who designed most of the motor fans, but his English is limited. It would be impossible to understand him on a phone, for example), so all the technical questions that I can't answer (which will be most of them) will go to him via email and then I will translate his answer (written in English) to better English.
(Thanks to A2K, I was able to claim some experience doing just that sort of thing with Oristar and others. yea! A2K!)
It going to be a from the ground up process of learning who are customer base might be, the company ships containers of motor fans, so it's not going to be your local hardware store. I'm pumped.
It's odd though. I was trying to remember the last time I had a job where I spent most of my time at a desk. There were those two years as a purchasing agent for Yuba Heat Transfer, but, even in that job, I found myself climbing up onto the cranes and the mills to look at what the kind of bearings or switches or whatever the repair crew was trying to order. This will be different. But, there could be travel involved both domestic and international, we don't know yet.
Still running. Going out this afternoon to enjoy the clear sunshiny day. AND I am happy to report that down the street from my office is a YMCA, so the plan will be, once I get really settled, to run Central Park like I used to do, grab the 6 train down to Grand Central and hop on the 7 train out to Queens.
Izzie is right.
I need to re-write my profile piece.
This life, number two thousand something or other, is filled with new love (That's a whole thread of its own), new understanding of self (hello there, I think I might have met you back in 1967) and, thankfully, a continued curiosity, fed greatly by the people here on A2K, into what makes life and the human condition such a wonderful experience. (Breath. What does that feel like?)
Joe(thanks for listening)Nation