Wed 30 Nov, 2011 07:47 am
Yes, you read that correctly. In your hands is a book on metaphysics. Yikes! Yet what was formerly categorized as "occult" in bookstores is finally, and deservingly, reaching the mainstream - "deservingly" because there's never been anything "woo-woo" attached to the meaning of metaphysics.
What does "woo-woo" mean in this paragraph?
@Justin Xu,
It means exciting.
The term is a celebratory exclamation borrowed from
The simpsons television show.
Wow. That's embarrassing. Thought that said "woo-hoo". All three times. Off to the eye doctor's ...
It still means exciting
@Justin Xu,
I'd say that it means crazy.
@Justin Xu,
Given the reference to "the occult" it's more likely to be a reference "spine -chilling" sounds allegedly associated with haunting...ghosts etc.
@Justin Xu,
May be everyone has special meaning attached on their brush... lol
From the context, I would suggest that is is derogative of the "Occult" book section - the writer has no time for the occult.