Sun 27 Nov, 2011 12:15 am
S. J. J. Jarrold (son of Samuel Jarrold, and grandson of John Jarrold)
W. T. F. Jarrold & T. H. C. Jarrold (grandsons of John Jarrold)
all these three persons are related to the business named Jarrold and Sons of Norwich
(You really need to start using google yourself !)
Quote:The firm of Jarrold and Sons has been in existence since
1770, but in the early days of the temperance movement
was simply an ordinary country printing establishment.
In 1836 Mr. Samuel Jarrold (1805-1874) became a total
abstainer, and until his death was a warm advocate of the
movement. To meet a great want of the new movement Mr.
Jarrold published a valuable series of temperance tracts, and
these were followed by the well-known Monthly Visitor, which
has been so extensively circulated in hundreds of cities and
towns as an adapted local magazine. Under Royal warrant
the firm have become School Stationers at Norwich to H.M.
the King. Their trade in Bibles, Reward Books, and litera-
ture of a pure and elevating character must be enormous,
and in addition they are the patentees of the Marston
Return Address Label, and a new system of producing
coloured picture post cards. In 1902 the firm was made
a limited liability company, the whole of the directors being
total abstainers, Mr. W. T. F. Jarrold (Chairman), Mr.
T. H. C. Jarrold and Mr. John E. Moorhouse.
If kkfengdao is in China, he or she does not have access to google.
I should amend that to say, does not have access unless he or she can get access via Google Hong Kong--otherwise, he or she has no access.
Sorry, but what I actually want to know are the full names of these people.
Such precise research might be expedited by contacting the company directly.
I can find no email for them, but their fax. no. is (UK code +) 1603 611295
Hope this helps.