Ticomaya wrote:
sweet potato pie.
family tv watching?? during a football game? thats a crime against humanity
well.. we dont even have a tv connection so we are guilty too.
but the sweet potato pie comment made me think of something.
Sweet potato and acorn squash or butternut squash together make a really awesome, almost too sweet soup. Basically, cube them cover them with a little water and slow cook until mush. Throw in a dash of cumin ( 1/4 tsp) and about the same of cinnamon and voila.
In a pie....... its TREMENDOUS.
I would have never thought to make a sweet pie or any desert pie with squash but wow...wow. I think, per pie.. you use about 1/3 cup of the sweet squash mashed up an just mix it in. It is still very sweet but it gives it a softer flavor that... well I dont know if i can describe.. So if you are ever feeling adventurous.. its definitely a hit