Right below what you quoted...
Quote:As far as who pays... I have a solution for that too!.... A way where none of those questions about "Why Should I Pay?" would be left unsatisfied. But, again, I have to question whether that is the real issue with people that are against reparations. It's been my experience that for the most part when [my] model that would eliminate that concern is offered that the objections still remain. So, I'm left to believe that it really is more than about something like this proverbially "Taking [My] Money" Again, I have a model that eliminates that but doesn't eliminate the opposition. Matter of fact, it usually becomes even more vehement afterwards.... Imagine that!
That's a specific reference to the following [a response to Frank]:
Quote:And seriously if as I posed there is a model wherein your tax moneyt isn't concerned then what does it matter what you think about it?
It's no sweat of your brow as they say. Nothing would be coming out your pockets. What else is there to say? And what would be you motivation or reason for saying anything then?
A question posed to Farmerman:
Quote:If there was a way for there to be reparations without using your taxes...
would you approve of it? Would that satisfy your displeasure with it?
So what is original in a sense (original because I'm sure this is not the assumption you are working under) is that:
Acq, I could care less what you think about the Great Society, etc., etc. All that is purely your opinion. This is about reparations and you posed some idea that
"reparations have proved historically to be a poor way of solving a problem" yet, apparently, have no historical reparations case upon which you base your contention.
Great Society this and that has very little to do with Reparations and, in fact, is not an example of it.
Quote:...in another post you propose to fund with a combination of payments from the government and corporations.
You obviously have a scholarly problem of not attributing to their appropriate source. Technically, that's not what I "proposed". That came from a documented reference to N'COBRA, a reparations organizations platform. Nevertheless, I fail to see what your problem is with it but I have in fact identified your fundamental problem.
Before going into that let me clearly restate WHAT I PROPOSE:
Now, your problem is that very same question you tried to avoid in order to further your rant:
Quote:<> reparations have proved historically to be a poor way of solving a problem.
Your historical examples??? ____ OBVIOUSLY LACKING ____
"Solving a problem?"
What problem do you think reparations purports to solve?
Right there in red. Your problem is this idea that reparations is about anything other than reparations itself. In what type of court case where restitution is granted is there some "problem" solved other than compensating the victims for their loss?
Again, what "problem", as you see it, is reparations suppose to "solve" and has ever purported to?
Seems that you have some ridiculous idea in mind or some presumption that you have yet to disclose. In any event, I'm waiting for you to support your assertions and not try to pawn off some subjective, politically motivated and personally skewed idea of what you think reparations is about. Scam artist and other contrived notions of yours aside... answer those questions forthrightly - i.e. without your slanted interpretation of history and reality.
Quote:You have no program or at least nothing original or of substance. And, if the 60's or reconstruction taught us anything, it was that dumping money or resources onto a problem does little more than create opportunities for scam artists.
Who's "dumping money" at a "problem", Aqc?
If you intently read what I have said and what I have highlighted here then as far as you are concern.... YOU ARE NOT IN THE *US* (that would count doubly: Not in the "us" who has this so-called "problem" and by what I propose, not in the "us" who would be "dumping the money").
Now, that's me addressing exactly what you have said and not making assumptions in the manner that you have. I ask you again to prove and forthrightly support your assertions - i.e. answer the questions I raised.
I will note that you apparently want to question the motivation of those who seek reparations. In like manner, given what I have said which I'm sure will not change your opinion about what I have "proposed" (as in what you have claimed I have "proposed" while specifically pointing out something that I made sure you and anyone else knew did not originate from me) I can't help but to feel and know that your motivations aren't pure. You have a hidden agenda... otherwise it wouldn't be so hard for you to answer some simple questions in a direct manner.
I'll ask them again:
Quote:<> reparations have proved historically to be a poor way of solving a problem.
Your historical examples???
[Hint: Great Society doesn't count. It was not a historical form of Reparations.... I don't think we have to define the word or take this any further.]
"Solving a problem?"
What problem do you think reparations purports to solve?