I will try to make it even more clear...When it comes to beliefs or rejections of beliefs...It is all a personal view as to whether it is true or not...Or has validity, by your own subjective thoughts about what others say, or what you believe or do not believe...
Example: I can say that God is great, because I think God is...And many would agree, many would not understand how I know that, or question my statement(s)...And many would simply disagree....
Because beliefs are all subjective...though some would agree, question that statement, or disagree as well...
It is up to you to decide how you feel about those statements...and whether or not you think it is true...
As far as the way it is grammatically written...It is a grammatically correctly written piece...Meaning the punctuation, And wording and such is correct...And sounds grammatically written correctly...
The only thing that sounds a bit out of place is the person writing the story saying "the God believer went on"
Rather than just saying something like, The person who found the video believes in God, and claims it is Heaven...