Sat 7 Dec, 2002 10:49 am
A woman comes home from shopping to find her husband relaxing on the couch watching TV.
"Hey, Honey?" says the husband. "As long as you're up, would you get me a beer? It's gonna start soon."
The woman brings her husband a beer and goes back to work in the kitchen.
A little while later, her husband calls, "Bring me another beer, it's about to start."
So she sighs, brings her husband another beer, and goes back to washing dishes. A little bit later...
"Honey, would you bring me a beer? It's gonna start any minute!"
Exasperated, the woman gets a beer out of the fridge, slams the door, and stomps over to her husband and hands him the beer. Then she returns to her work. Sure enough, a few minutes later...
"Bring me out another beer- I think its gonna start right now."
Furious, the woman shouted back, "YOU CAN GET YOUR OWN DAMN BEER!"
"Well," said her husband, "NOW it's started!"
Ha ha ha, good one! I'm surprised it took her so long to catch on!
i was just wondering what color her hair was not that it matters...ducking