Mit Romney has done one thing which none of the loudmouth ultra-conservatives like Jim Robinson have ever managed i.e. served as a governor of Massachusetts as a Republican.
Romney could take major advantage of the one giant weakness of Bork Obunga in a way in which none of the other pubbies could i.e. Romney speaks and thinks overwhelmingly well while Bork cannot talk and chew gum at the same time without a telepromptor. The difference in any sort of a debate would be glaring. Romney is not into the "right2life(TM)" bullshit which several of the other pubbies are; that's a good thing, the pubbie/conservative view of the topic is basically FUBAR.
There are one or two major issues on which Romney would have to be educated, particularly "climate change(TM)", but that one's in the process of correcting itself. Romney is one of the two brightest of the pubbies along with Newt and much more electable than Newt. I don't really see any sort of a down side. Put Cain on the same ticket in the #2 slot and they'd massacre the dems in 2012.