Has Humanity, as a whole, gone down the drain?

Reply Tue 22 Nov, 2011 04:28 pm
Okay, you make quite a few good points.

We have to make the changes by not accepting corruption.

Okay, so WE refuse corruption. But how do we get others, especially in this era, to do the same? "Every man has his price." Not sure where this nugget originated, but it has been reiterated many, many times.

If the news (not singling out ANY news firm, but encompassing ALL of them) is to be believed, most people in this era are easily corruptible. I've probably been dragged down into it myself from time to time, as I'm sure many others in here (A2K) have.

While a lot of forms of corruption are easily ignored or denied, there are most likely more that are less easily denied, especially in this (seemingly) increasingly materialistic age.

One example from my experience comes to mind: I once thought "I'll never get into online gaming (Xbox Live, Playstation Network, etc)! I won't be dragged into that crap." Yet, earlier this year, I gave in and got myself an Xbox Live Gold membership and played a lot of Halo Reach Multiplayer. I've cut back on that, if for nothing else than for the repetition of the matches getting boring, but the point is, I was corrupted. It isn't that easy to deny corruption, and therefore it's much harder to convince others to join you.

These are just my thoughts, even if they are inexperienced.
Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2011 10:34 am
The rebuilding of society as ours requires means the creation of new social forms, especially of the government and the economy... The problem with forms is that they must be at least a little bit flexible and fluid to work at all... Where forms mean power, as ours does, or wealth as ours does, they will attract the worst sort of people pretending to be of the highest character who will use the flexibility of the form to bend it to their will and make in serve their purposes...

It is inevitable, so it should be expected... I do not think vices ought to be encouraged as our forms clearly do, but we should consider it simple human nature for people to have vices and to serve them, while doing all in our power to keep those vices from destroying our social forms...Though people create and constitute forms to resist change and last for a long time, forever if possible, that has never happened... As strange as it may seem, societies ought to be time limited as they are in fact, but with the time of expiration clearly stated so that revolution does not become necessary or violent... If every twenty five of fifty years a society had to reconstitute itself along lines of agreement it would take the advantage out of corrupting the form which leads to the corruption of a whole people's morals...
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Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2011 11:55 am
@Fido and @RexDraconis111. I agree with your arguments and I know the problem is not easily solved but we have to find the solution and a revolution is needed to do that.

If we try to make laws that deal with social problems alone we fail because every time we try to plug up a hole in the law, ten new ones are created! All that happens is the good people’s lives become unlivable and the bad people just find ways around the laws or even use them to their advantage in some perverse way. So trying to fix problem by legislation or through the legal system is not a solution. And yes we see increased police violence. What we don’t see however is that the corrupt police are of two basic types. There are those that take bribes and look the other way or even protection money and help those breaking the law. There are not the real badies. The other type are those that belong to the criminal underclass of societies, particularly in the West but increasingly all over the world. These are criminals within the police force of a state.

Gambling was mentioned as a vice. It still only involves the gambler and those around them, if there are dependent parties. What I am talking about is not this. I am saying there is serious evil. There is a subculture within our societies that are not visible. These people do not act alone, nor even in small groups of two or three or four. These people are highly manipulative and two faced and they are to be found in every walk of life, from the top end right down through the ranks to street people and they are harmful, very harmful in which ever part of society they are to be found. Their main focus is to gain power and influence over those with whom they are in relationship, eg spouses, siblings, friends, relatives, workmates etc. To gain such power and influence as to manipulate and control others they play very dirty games and it takes at least 5 or 6 of them for the simplest games. In reality many more are involved. Owing to their need of one another so as to play foul games and yet at the same time appear above suspicion, they network. I called them gangs in my earlier post but these are not like the gangs that you hear about or see clearly, like bikies, skin heads etc. These networks have no signed up membership, they have no leaders at the top, there are simply levels of power and there is a continual struggle for power amongst them. And they go far beyond individual people's lives. They extend to commerce and governments etc., in their effort to protect their lifestyle. The games they play cripple people’s health, eg heart disease, strokes, cancer etc. The diseases that plague our societies, I have found are not what the doctors are saying they are. All of these diseases are in a sense “created” by the way an unsuspecting/medically misinformed person can be made to react –somatically- under conditions that are harmful but at the same time unclear and even hidden. The medical industry, as it appears to me, though it is not a single company but a multitude of companies is still united in hiding and protecting the perpetrators because they benefit treating the victims. This is corruption in its worst form. As a result these networks have expanded and in the last twenty years have increased dramatically. I would say there is between 10% to 20% of the population involved in this subculture. There is recruitment and aggressive training of children and young people. To fight against this evil we, the humane people, who are still the majority, need to make a concerted effort but how do we motivate people?

The motivation comes when people realize that their health and their very life is dependent on their taking action. A new social order will arise when the evil people are rendered powerless owing to people becoming knowledgeable of how evil people operate and how they can counter the problems presented so as to remain unharmed and outside of the influences and power that is sought to control and manipulate them. A part of the work of the revolution will be to expose the medical misinformation because that is the cover that protects them and that cover needs to be blow open.
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 02:56 pm
Very good points.

So we (I'm saying "we" to encompass anyone who does or wants to do this) need to find and distribute true medical facts in order to expose the level of misinformation.

Okay, so that begs another question: Where would we find true medical information, and how would we (especially those of us who are not sufficiently knowledgeable in the medical fields) know that what we're looking at is indeed what we need to be looking at?

In my eyes, a lot of medical jargon may as well be a foreign language. not only that, but the people putting this misinformation out there make it very professional-looking and therefore believable to the masses.

Of course, when this misinformation is exposed, how would we convince people that we're not just crazy conspiracy theorists? I know that I've thought of some of the things I've seen as crazy and therefore not worth my time.
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 01:40 pm
There are three areas that lay people need to investigate.
1. Emotions are not psychological but physiological. They are major changes to whole body functions (which includes the brain) and the reason they come about is because somethiing needs to be done by the body or in the body. This changes the medical picture drastically because the emotions that arise can explain the so-called chemical and hormonal imbalances etc. One also begins to understand conditions such as anxiety, which is a combination of two emotions that drive the body in opposite directions. Mainly it is either anger and worry or fear and worry. Anger and fear raise the metabolism while worry lowers it. So the heart becomes conflicted. And the evidence is plain to see. One characteristic of anxiety that is reported by people is a feeling of vibration in the body. This is the muscles vibrating to generate heart enough for life. The problem that is created is that the heart has become ineffective as a pump and can't pump the blood sufficiently around the body and the muscles vibrate to compensate. This is high school biology. And the doctors know that but they don't say a word to the public about it. They have a conflict of interests. They need for poeple to get sick for them to stay in a job, to say nothing about getting rich.
2. ESP inside of relationship is not only real, it is at a premium. Many thoughts that occur to us are the influences of others around us, whether intentional or unintentional. Once we can appreciate this we appreciate that the cries of millions of people that others are somehow responsible for their ailments are all correct. Toxic relationship and maltreatment of one individual by a toxic mob for the sake of pwoer and influence is at the heart of all the major diseases. At the moment the scientific community and medical science in particular are wanting the experiments done in such a way as to leave the general public bamboozled as to the truth so people keep asking "but is it real?". By hiding ESP inside of relationship they cover the worst elements of society in my opinion and as it appears to me at least they are doing it for profit.
3. The comfort zone, which is about creating mental fuzz through affecting the attention, is also SOMATIC in nature. It is brought about either by breathing more deeply in rest conditions (and there by taking in more oxygen, accelerating the heart, raising blood pressure etc.) or by breathing more shallowly or holding down a breath now and then in rest conditions (and thereby taking in less oxgygen, slowing the heart, slowing the metabolism etc). These two habits can also be brought about indirectly by keeping busy all the time or alternatively by putting off what needs to be done until later which means the person becomes inactive. In times of mild stress this is not dangerous but habit forming, which makes it potentially dangerous. In moderate to extreme stress this is highly dangerous situation.

We the lay public need to revolt and a part of that revolution is to do the experiments needed to prove ESP and to show that maltreatment is at the heart of disease. Then people can address the problems created for them and not get stressed or sick.
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