@Joe Nation,
I try to be quiet at halloween time, but it is now more popular than christmas, which I also mostly but not always downplay. I have likings for christmas.
I feel like an alien. I didn't start out hating halloween, just got to that by experience, which I've explained before on a2k. My birthday party, I got to go through a horror house the neighborhood kids built for me in a basement, all meaning well, of course.. and I stopped doing that and refused. I guess I'm not a natural s & m type, even at ten. I ruined the party. I'm still friends with three of those girls, now quite old, but in later years we've never delved into that kind of mess in memory. All these years later, I get that they liked me enough to do that.
Of course, there were chocolate cupcakes with orange icing afterwards.
I still get halloween birthday cards.
**** halloween.
Ok, so, I'm bad.
My 100-year old aunt was born on Dec. 24th. She, in contrast to me, was very imposing. At family get togethers on C. Eve, there was the first part of the evening, about her birthday, and the second, about family gift giving, food being the connector.
This isn't a ploy for a birthday thread. I'm too snarly.
But, I think it's Letty's Birthday. I think a thread for her would be good.