I'm mostly fine with Gadhafi being taken out, given his malefactions, but have the odd qualm or two that fits with my general unhappiness about people killing other people, no matter the righteousness of it. Self defense, sure. Otherwise, I'm for trial, however difficult that would be, if it would be. But I'm an odd one, in that I don't like the police shooting to kill either, in many circumstances.
I've been out for a few hours so I haven't read up past the first notices earlier today.
This was from an AP report - at 2:14 pm Libya time:
"White House officials are monitoring the reports of Gadhafi's capture and death but say they can't confirm anything. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was just in Libya yesterday and said then she hoped for his demise. She also offered U.S. aid to the interim government."
My discomfort with that is almost quaint given our and many other nations' involvement in assassinations in the past, but my softer and possibly wiser self wishes she didn't say that. Not because she's a woman, but that we so directly call for killing a past head of state.
When we are brutal, when any are brutal, even if the one hit has been exceedingly brutal, there is bite back much of the time, so speaking for practical reasons I think being assassini can be dumb, on top of other qualms. Not that I know that we directly killed him, but I assume we're involved in some orchestration with our sticky feet.