All those Republicans got elected to the House because we all have microwaves. We want our economy to improve by the time the microwave 'dings' saying that our supper is ready.
We have short memories and only pay attention to what has happened in the most recent 3-6 months.
Example #1: We had been through eight years of Bush, the last two years of which Dems controlled the House and Senate. People bought the line that because Dems controlled the House and Senate for two years, the Dems were to blame for the economy and the national debt the Tea Party was yelling about. People totally forgot that Republicans had control for the 6 years before that, started wars, cut taxes that would have decreased the debt, and even that Bin Laden was still out there somewhere.
Example #2: Does anyone else remember Clinton handing over a surplus when he left office? Within a VERY short time, like about the time GWB was named the Republican nominee, certain people (Fed Reserve Chair and others) started saying that wiping out the debt would actually be a bad thing. Ten years later, during the last election, when we are way deeper in debt than ever before, the Tea Party and Republicans rally the nation into believing we need to wipe out the debt by electing Republicans!
That's why I say Dems will benefit and Obama would win IF it's between him and Romney and OWS stays in the news as a positive force for change. Again, people only pay attention to what is happening in the very recent past (6 months, if that?), so the President and OWS has to stay on topic - JOBS! If they do, what will be at the front of the public's minds next November will be the Republicans obstructing jobs bill after jobs bill (if the Dems continue to bring it up in the Senate) and OWS if they stay on topic and continue to grow.