Fri 14 Oct, 2011 08:57 pm
I wrote this a few years ago and thought I had posted it on A2K but apparently not.
It is actually, a fairly accurate description of my mental process.
Immodest though it may be, I have always thought of myself as an 'Idea
Man' (((blush))).
Hope it gives you a smile. -jj
'Idea Man'
Dear friend, if you'll indulge the barm*
that rises from a mind fermenting,
it can't do you any harm
and will not cause the least lamenting,
Ideas! ...there is no preventing
brainstorms that are unrelenting,
restive schemes demanding venting,
dropping like the leaves in Autumn,
You want thoughts?
No penny needed -- I got 'em!
step inside my rumination,
You may find illumination,
from some endless inner oceans'
tossing, surging, swirling, motions
unsought thoughts are flowing, flowing,
no matter where your mind is going,
...I've got notions.
* BARM: n.
yeast formed on fermenting malt liquors
Middle English berme, from Old English beorma; akin to Middle Low
German berm yeast, Latin fermentum yeast, fervēre to boil, Old Irish
berbaid he boils
First Known Use: before 12th century
So, you're barmy then, eh?
Well, barm works with tharn and flaming barns and darn
near everything.