Tue 4 Oct, 2011 02:33 pm
This as also other autoimmune responses that are medically seen as "over-reactions" are erroneously ignited. Why? I have discovered that there is foul play behind this and many other diseases. It has to do with toxic people, those that are controlling and manipulative, who would stoop low to gain what they want. Of times it is power and influence over another person or revenge or sheer jealousy. And once I discovered how it comes about I found a cure is easier than 1, 2, 3! A placebo works only in 30% of the cases and not commonly for cancer, although there are cases involving hypnosis that have yielded good results -a cure. A placebo is a positive idea but it also depends on the patient trusting the doctor implicitly and even then it is not enough. A mental prescription however, which is what I prescribe for myself and have seen spectacular results repeatedly, is also positive ideas but they come from a position of knowledge and need no reliance on anyone else. But the truth about how cancer comes about in the body, why and how it is ignited needs to be known first. I can say that mental prescription give 100% good results. And I do have the evidence because as a immune response the body keeps copies of all products it has generated. So in my body, in my lymph glands is the evidence of at least 8 or 9 different types of cancers as I have been targeted in a variety of ways. My enemies want to shut me up permanently and have failed. I speak.
Yeah questions, many no doubt. The cause of cancer is not simple so I can't give you a one or two sentence answer but I can make a start. Firstly we need to understand certain things that I am calling medical myths. These are not myths as produced by the public but as it appears the medical industry. And you need to understand these first. There are three main ones. The first myth is that emotions have to do with psychology and that they are somehow stored in the brain or activated in the brain etc. Emotions are the physiological -as in whole body responses to information that points to issues that need to be addressed. For example fear has nothing to do with fight or flight per se. When a person perceives danger, ie they have ideas that point to danger and appreciate that this is with the first and most flimsiest evidence, the body needs to move into high gear in order to take fight or flight. In other words fear is the preparation of the body for action -rapid, strenous action at a moment's notice. Fear means the heart is accelerated to pump the blood faster to get fuel materials to the muscle cells. The body needs to suspend those systems that are not required at this time, so for instance the two main ones are digestive systems and the reproductive system/ sexuality. The immune system is also suspended if the danger is perceived to be external BUT it is put into high gear also if the danger is perceived to be internal. Brain function is also modified so as to give perception an advantage and here we also need to appreciate that discrimination is put on hold until the information that is needed for further reasoning is gathered. Memory too may be put on low gear and typically people experiencing extreme fear may appear to be stunned or suffer temporary memory problems.
If you are interested for me to continue let me know because there is a lot to say.
Nope, not interested. Couldn't make much sense of the first post and your second post didn't improve on it.
Thanks for the offer, though, and welcome to A2K.