OmSigDAVID wrote:The reason that thay now offend your eyes
is that u r not accustomed to them; if u 'd learned it the better way,
then it 'd seem appropriate to u.
Nonsense. The reason your eccentric spelling offends my eye is because it pretends to be something it is not. You obviously know nothing about what you call fonetik spelling (yes, phonetically that should be a 'k' not a 'c').
Thay, again phonetically, does not have the same pronunciation as
they. You seem to think it does or should. C is a truly stupid way to indicate the words
sea, see or the Spanish
si. The letter C is pronounced that way only in English. OK for texting, not for a serious person such as you claim to be to use in correspondence.
I suggest you might study such languages as written Hawaiian or Turkish or (to a lesser extent) Italian to gain some insight into fontetik spelling. Gud lak.