Quote:Quote:Yes, and the moon could be made of green cheese, and their bodies could have been taken over by aliens ... C'mon, twyvel, that is a pretty poor argument even for you.
"even for you"..........What is that supposed to meeeeeeeeean
The main point is, is that
observed behavior is 'not' the observation of awareness.
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: bi-'hA-vy&r
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of Middle English behavour, from behaven
1 a : the manner of conducting oneself b : anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation c : the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment
2 : the way in which someone behaves; also : an instance of such behavior
3 : the way in which something functions or operates
- be·hav·ior·al /-vy&-r&l/ adjective
- be·hav·ior·al·ly /-r&-lE/ adverb
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: bi-'hAv
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): be·haved; be·hav·ing
Etymology: Middle English behaven, from be- + haven to have, hold
transitive senses
1 : to manage the actions of (oneself) in a particular way
2 : to conduct (oneself) in a proper manner
intransitive senses
1 : to act, function, or react in a particular way
2 : to conduct oneself properly
- be·hav·er noun
You are actually asserting that third person observations of a person in the
act of walking down the street is third person observation of awareness.
Utterly Absurd.
(unless of course you're a nondualist)
Quote: Yes, we've already agreed that we cannot experience someone else's consciousness,
Quote:but so what? We can measure the physiological changes in the brain in someone who we "observe" to be conscious, and compare it to our own personal experience of conscious self.
This one issue is whether or not consciousness can be observed. It is not about suppositions of what may produce it.
William James essay,
Does Consciousness Exist?
Quote: Science cannot completely explain the process - yet. So you would dump the system that gives a partial accounting and holds the promise of a full one, for one which gives absolutely no explanation at all? If non-dualism CAN explain where consciousness comes from, please enlighten us.
Quote: It is too bad that your pre-conceived notions of consciousness require you to ignore the findings of neuroscience on the distinctly different states of consciousness that depend on which areas of the brain are activated.
it can be observed
it is an
it is an object, not a subject (or that which is observing).
It is an
Consciousness is not an
There are no 'different states of consciousness, it's part of the dualist myth, or fog of delusions. There is only "different" content.
Quote: Nice myth, but absolutely no scientific justisfication for it. We know that human (extended) consciousness requires brain structures that are completely lacking in insects and reptiles.
You are wrong, we do not 'know' if consciousness requires brains.
Quote: Your "no-self" is actually the proto-self produced by the brainstem nuclei in conjunction with the hypothalmus and somatosensory cortices. That's where the buck stops, or more correctly where it starts. One of the basic flaws in your argument is that assumption that every observer needs to be observed.
you are the observer and this observer that
you are cannot observer itself then
youyou do not exist as anything observable.
If knowledge comes about through an
I observing, and this
I cannot observe the
I that the
I is, then this
I has no knowledge of the
I that this
I is.
Quote: Perhaps you could explain to us how, if All is One, "we" got separated into contradictory schools of thought regarding reality?
Quote: You invented the alleged infinite regress. It was never a real problem.
That consciousness cannot be observed is one of the biggest problems there is.
Along side:
What is the true nature of this existence?
What is the self?
Does god exist?
(And they may all be the same question,

Quote:Exactly what "consequences" might prevent us from believing as you do?
Or giving up your dualism, and 'you" know what that means?