David Henry
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 11:12 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Your assumption, then, is that all adults have critical thinking abilty? Can you prove this?

No, my explicit assertion is that only a mature "mind" can and does think critically.
The typical developmental timeframes of humans means that critical thinking is usually only practiced by those of a certain age and experience, approx age 20+.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 11:14 pm
What exactly is a "mature mind?" Anybody over 20 years of age?
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 11:17 pm
How do you know that your perceptions and assumptions are real?

My assumptions are obviously tentative and relative to my knowledge, but my perceptions are real, ie, I can physically examine objects.

Some airline pilots have claimed that they have seen UFO's. Is their reality true?

If their claim is that they saw an alien spacecraft, they must justify that with a proper description.
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 11:19 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
What exactly is a "mature mind?" Anybody over 20 years of age?

No, my explicit assertion is that only a mature "mind" can and does think critically.

Got it yet?...or do I have to explain what critical thinking is to a 68 yr old philosopher Confused
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 12:25 am
C.I. makes me chuckle, the giggle, then full out laugh.

with him not at him...

though he's not laughing so I guess that doesn't make since...
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 05:01 am
David Henry wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
David Henry's quote, ".........children often ignore reality and can suffer greatly." Are you telling us that adults over 18 do not have this problem? What is your definition of a "child?" BTW, what "reality" are you talking about?

A child is loosely defined as one who "cannot" think critically,.... as opposed to an adult or mature child who has the capability to think critically, although may not necessarily utilize.

Reality is what I know via my perceptions and assumptions.

That is nonsense, David.

What you know via your perceptions and assumptions often are anything but reality.

REALITY exists independently of what you or anyone else think or assumes about it.

Before you start with lectures on how to think -- it would be a good idea to think!
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 05:26 am
Frank Apisa wrote:

That is nonsense, David.
What you know via your perceptions and assumptions often are anything but reality.
REALITY exists independently of what you or anyone else think or assumes about it.
Before you start with lectures on how to think -- it would be a good idea to think!

Well excuse me, but I'm refering to knowledge of reality....and that comes from manipulating my perceptions into logic, leading to a reasonable conclusion.

I accept that reality has enduring existence, but what we "know" about it is via reason.

Let me know if you're all clear on that champ?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 05:50 am
David Henry wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

That is nonsense, David.
What you know via your perceptions and assumptions often are anything but reality.
REALITY exists independently of what you or anyone else think or assumes about it.
Before you start with lectures on how to think -- it would be a good idea to think!

Well excuse me, but I'm refering to knowledge of reality....and that comes from manipulating my perceptions into logic, leading to a reasonable conclusion.

I accept that reality has enduring existence, but what we "know" about it is via reason.

Let me know if you're all clear on that champ?

You ought to learn how to write before deciding to play with the big boys, David.

You wrote:

Reality is what I know via my perceptions and assumptions.

I called attention to the fact that that comment is a bunch of bullshit.

Now you seem to be put out by that.

And your further explanation of what REALITY is -- is even more absurd than what you wrote originally.

You let me know when you are clear on that, Chump!

BTW - if you would like to discuss this without the personal nonsense which you introduced in your earlier remarks to ci, I'll be delighted to participate.
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 05:59 am
I called attention to the fact that that comment is a bunch of bullshit.

So, it's only your worthless opinion.

And your further explanation of what REALITY is -- is even more absurd than what you wrote originally.

How do we know reality if not by using our senses?

BTW - if you would like to discuss this without the personal nonsense which you introduced in your earlier remarks to ci, I'll be delighted to participate.

Let me make something clear to you....I'm here to express myself and engage in meaningful exchanges with others....but one of the prerequisites I demand is that people be reasonable towards me.

Now being that philosophers can sometimes be a bit loopy{as a consequence of not acquring proper knowledge}....I generally allow some latitude in regards to their behaviour towards me.....but at this stage, you've made an ass of yourself, so unless you plan on smartening up, I'll be ignoring you as a loser who feels deeply under-valued by society.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 07:20 am
David Henry wrote:
I called attention to the fact that that comment is a bunch of bullshit.

So, it's only your worthless opinion.

And you know my opinion to be "worthless?"

And your further explanation of what REALITY is -- is even more absurd than what you wrote originally.

How do we know reality if not by using our senses?

If you would get your head out of wherever you've got it stuck, Chump, you would realize that it is quite possible WE DO NOT KNOW REALITY.

Just because your pretentiousness does not allow you to consider that possibility does not mean that it is not so.

BTW - if you would like to discuss this without the personal nonsense which you introduced in your earlier remarks to ci, I'll be delighted to participate.

Let me make something clear to you....I'm here to express myself and engage in meaningful exchanges with others....but one of the prerequisites I demand is that people be reasonable towards me.

You ought then to practice being reasonable towards others.

You come into this site looking down your nose at everyone -- and then expect to be treated gracefully! Fat chance.

In any case, you were not being especially reasonable in your interaction with ci -- and you are not being so in your interaction with me. (Not that I mind. You seem like a pretentious jerk to me -- and frankly, I am enjoying you making an idiot of yourself!)

Now being that philosophers can sometimes be a bit loopy{as a consequence of not acquring proper knowledge} ...

And obviously in whatever world you live in, you are the arbitor of what is "proper knowledge!"

....I generally allow some latitude in regards to their behaviour towards me.....but at this stage, you've made an ass of yourself, so unless you plan on smartening up, I'll be ignoring you as a loser who feels deeply under-valued by society.

David, if you ignore me, it will be because I can punch huge holes in damn near everything you say. If it makes you feel better about yourself to pretend you are ignoring me because of whatever other reasons you can manufacture -- do so. I'm going to be here no matter what you do or how you rationalize it.

Oh, by the way: Welcome to A2K.

Happy you are here.

Always fun to have such a willing foil present itself.
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 07:39 am
And you know my opinion to be "worthless?"

You've attempted to refute my assertion with an assertion devoid of any sense, as such, it's appropriate to label your opinion as worthless.

If you would get your head out of wherever you've got it stuck, Chump, you would realize that it is quite possible WE DO NOT KNOW REALITY.
Just because your pretentiousness does not allow you to consider that possibility does not mean that it is not so.

LOL, you're a funny old chump.
I assert that we know reality by using our reason,... not all of it, but certainly enough to make our lives comfortable{1st world}, and also enough to make the process of life meaningful.
Reality is the external world, I know the external world via my senses in conjunction with reason.

You come into this site looking down your nose at everyone -- and then expect to be treated gracefully! Fat chance.

Please back-up your worthless and unfounded comment?

In any case, you were not being especially reasonable in your interaction with ci -- and you are not being so in your interaction with me. (Not that I mind. You seem like a pretentious jerk to me -- and frankly, I am enjoying you making an idiot of yourself!)

You've questioned my intelligence, but you've not said anything....you've not made a coherent statement about why we can't know the external world.
I'm inclined to think you're another one of these donkeys who declares we know nothing, and says so with absolute certainty...LOL.

And obviously in whatever world you live in, you are the arbitor of what is "proper knowledge!"

It's my phrase, so I'll define it for the benefit of anyone reading..: "proper knowledge is that which maximizes the human condition"

David, if you ignore me, it will be because I can punch huge holes in damn near everything you say.

LOL....how about punching just ONE hole first OK...LOL.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 08:05 am
David Henry wrote:
And you know my opinion to be "worthless?"

You've attempted to refute my assertion with an assertion devoid of any sense, as such, it's appropriate to label your opinion as worthless.

I see! In your world, you set the rules. Yep, I could see that right away.

I sure hope you stick around.

I love people like you.

If you would get your head out of wherever you've got it stuck, Chump, you would realize that it is quite possible WE DO NOT KNOW REALITY.
Just because your pretentiousness does not allow you to consider that possibility does not mean that it is not so.

LOL, you're a funny old chump.
I assert that we know reality by using our reason,... not all of it, but certainly enough to make our lives comfortable{1st world}, and also enough to make the process of life meaningful.
Reality is the external world, I know the external world via my senses in conjunction with reason.

No -- as a matter of fact, you didn't.

What you wrote was:
Reality is what I know via my perceptions and assumptions.

And, as I have pointed out twice already -- that is a bunch of bullshit.

REALITY is not contingent nor dependent in any way upon your perceptions and assumptions.

But I guess for a pompous, arrogant joker like you, it must be horrible having to contemplate coming to grips with that.

BTW -- stop trying to revise what you said or didn't say, David. Everything is printed right here -- and you really cannot get away with that kind of nonsense.

You come into this site looking down your nose at everyone -- and then expect to be treated gracefully! Fat chance.

Please back-up your worthless and unfounded comment?

Read your posts and that will back it up, Chump!

In any case, you were not being especially reasonable in your interaction with ci -- and you are not being so in your interaction with me. (Not that I mind. You seem like a pretentious jerk to me -- and frankly, I am enjoying you making an idiot of yourself!)

You've questioned my intelligence, but you've not said anything....you've not made a coherent statement about why we can't know the external world.
I'm inclined to think you're another one of these donkeys who declares we know nothing, and says so with absolute certainty...LOL.

I haven't questioned your intelligence. I questioned your common sense.

But you do have a point -- and I guess I should acknowledge that you do.

Okay, I haven't truly seen enough of either your intelligence or your common sense to question them.

I'll be more careful. Keep posting, I appreciate the fact that you are trying your best to show how little you possess of both.

And obviously in whatever world you live in, you are the arbiter of what is "proper knowledge!"

It's my phrase, so I'll define it for the benefit of anyone reading..: "proper knowledge is that which maximizes the human condition"

Oh, Christ. Another wanna be philosopher spewing philosophical Newspeak. Just what we need.

In any case, I was right. You want to be the arbiter of what is and what is not "proper knowledge" -- and LAUGHABLY you want that to have "proper knowledge" have something to do with maximizing the human condition.

I guess we don't have to wonder who, in your world, will decide what does and does not "maximize the human condition."

Oh, this is way too easy. C'mon, David, tighten up your act.

David, if you ignore me, it will be because I can punch huge holes in damn near everything you say.

LOL....how about punching just ONE hole first OK...LOL.

Get a kid to help you with this, David. Doesn't have to be too old - someone ten or eleven years old should be enough. I've already punched holes in just about everything you've said, but you've got to have a brain to recognize that. And that is where the kid comes in. Since you don't have one, maybe the kid will.

Wow! This is really fun. Where have you been hiding!
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 08:16 am
REALITY is not contingent nor dependent in any way upon your perceptions and assumptions.

Look Chumpy, I'm not really interested in an ongoing farcical flamewar of sorts with you or anybody here.

Now if I can't know reality via my perceptions and assumptions*{you do know that science is a tentative pursuit right?}...how do I know reality, ie the external world?

*Perceptions and assumptions are the basis of knowledge.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 09:21 am
David Henry wrote:
REALITY is not contingent nor dependent in any way upon your perceptions and assumptions.

Look Chumpy, I'm not really interested in an ongoing farcical flamewar of sorts with you or anybody here.

Okay, David, let's get back to a serious discussion without the flaming nonsense.

I will commit to that if you will.

Now if I can't know reality via my perceptions and assumptions*{you do know that science is a tentative pursuit right?}...how do I know reality, ie the external world?

My point all along, David, is that simply because you assume REALITY is "the external world" -- does not mean that REALITY IS "the external world."

(Caps are for emphasis -- I am not shouting at you.)

We do not know what the REALITY is.**

The TRUTH may be that we simply cannot KNOW REALITY. It may, in fact, be unknowable. (I am not asserting in either direction on that question -- merely positing the possibility.)

We perceive things -- and we make assumptions based on what we perceive.

But the REALITY may be something not even remotely akin to "the perceptions" -- nor to the "assumptions" we make about those perceptions.

Now obviously, in order to function in this world -- you have got to deal with whatever "ALL THIS" appears to be.

If I go into a philosophical treatise about whether or not a particular wall is actually there or if it is merely an illusionary part of an overall illusionary existence -- I am going to get one hell of a sore head if I act on that speculation by taking a running start and ramming my head into what I perceive to be an illusion.

So I have no problem with looking about -- perceiving the environs - and making determinations based on those observations that allow me to maneuver my way through life. But that is not necessarily THE REALITY -- and it certainly is not the REALITY being discussed in this thread. (Look at Mhatte's introductory paragraph and read the questions he/she proposed -- and you will see that.)

We honestly do not know what THE REALITY of existence is.**

That is why I took exception to the comment you made that...

Reality is what I know via my perceptions and assumptions.

I don't want to overdo the tautology bit (I've already used up "what is, is") but...

...what you perceive -- and the assumptions you make based on those perceptions -- are nothing more than that -- merely your perceptions and the assumptions you made based those perceptions.

The REALITY of existence may be worlds apart from all that.

You're new here, David. We've discussed this issue many, many times in dozens of thread. I'm interested in what you have to say on it.

Let's give it another try.

** Whenever I use the expression "We do not know...", please rephrase those words in your mind to read, "I do not know and I suspect others do not know either." It is a shorthand expression.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 01:02 pm
Wow. So this is what happens if I leave a topic alone for two days without trimming it. Now I know. I appreciate everyone's posts, but please settle down a bit. I know this is Philosophy & Debate but still. You two aren't arguing, you are just fighting to be the alpha ass. Laughing (No offense by the way.) Laughing

So what I have gathered so far is that reality is whatever IS. Right... The thoughts ricocheting off the walls of my hollow skull exist. Or do they? Is there reality in the mental realm?

"Reality is the perception of "facts" by your ego onto the world around you." -NNY

Explain this a bit more deeply please. What is perception? It is the process of observing qualities which your senses tell you are there. Perception is an interpretation from physical to mental. What if your senses are slighty altered? I have heard of people arguing about the color of a car.

"Nice! A lime green BMW! "

"No, it's yellow." Question

"Are you color-blind? It's green!" etc.etc.etc.

Please refrain from shedding the blood of the arrogant newbie and, instead, shed some light on the subject.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 03:59 pm
MR, That's the very reason reality is difficult, if not impossible, to define. Our perceptions are not created equal.
0 Replies
David Henry
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 09:37 pm
My point all along, David, is that simply because you assume REALITY is "the external world" -- does not mean that REALITY IS "the external world."

LOL, Frank, I'm not the only one who assumes it....and this is its definition, ie, the external world.....and you've admitted that it exists{Wall}.

You're using a different definition of reality than I am, here's mine again..Reality=the external world known via our senses*

*ie, we receive raw data from the external world, we perceive this data, and "ideally" we effectively manipulate this data into knowledge...we use logic as the means to acquire truth about reality, that's what knowledge is, something specific and related to reality.

Now, I'm not intolerant of the notion of the transphysical, nor of intuition being a mode of knowing, but I demand that anything uttered for public consumption should be logically justified{regardless of how rare that is}...IOW, intuition "might" be a valid premiss, but one still must be logical and deduce something reasonable otherwise this knowledge should stay in one's own head.

The TRUTH may be that we simply cannot KNOW REALITY. It may, in fact, be unknowable. (I am not asserting in either direction on that question -- merely positing the possibility.)

Again it comes down to "your" definition.
If you have decided that the senses aren't a valid starting point, then it seems reasonable on that basis that you will reject the notion of knowing reality.

But the REALITY may be something not even remotely akin to "the perceptions" -- nor to the "assumptions" we make about those perceptions.

Well, this strikes me as an arbitary statement designed to support your prejudice,... which is that we can't know the external world.
I given my account of how we can know reality, you're just adding doubt, you're welcome to do so, but I need something in the way of reasonable doubt otherwsie I'm going to maintain certainty.

...what you perceive -- and the assumptions you make based on those perceptions -- are nothing more than that -- merely your perceptions and the assumptions you made based those perceptions.
The REALITY of existence may be worlds apart from all that.

Yes but I need only be logical and produce knowledge and I'll gain support from other rational thinkers.
Also what is your method of knowing or doubting based on?
If you have no reasonable objections other than the introduction of doubt for doubts sake, then you have said nothing, you've offered nothing reasonable, and I need reasonable doubt to alter my certainty...as should any reasonable person.

** Whenever I use the expression "We do not know...", please rephrase those words in your mind to read, "I do not know and I suspect others do not know either." It is a shorthand expression.

Yes Frank....but these others may be just as incoherent as you've been, you see, you achieve nothing by saying.."e-gawd, what David's saying doesn't sound right"......you have to produce a superior argument and introduce "reasonable" doubt.

As far as I can tell, you've decided at the epistemological level that knowledge of the external world isn't possible, but you've offered nothing substantial to justify that stance other than doubt, doubt without supporting evidence is arbitary and is effectively worthless as far as motivating any evaluation of it.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 10:13 pm
I just came across an interesting phrase of the philosopher, Nietzsche. He thought that philosophy itself is an expression of what he called the Will to Power. He sees this in the philosopher's commitment to "the thinkability of all being." This is, as I understand it, the notion that there is nothing in the entire cosmos (the full body of Reality) that cannot be grasped conceptually. I consider this naive, or at best, hopeful. Just as the ant cannot possibly understand what we are doing here, and that is because of the structure of his very being, his nervous system, the structure of our being, our nervous systems, is, I assume, far too limited to conceptualize all that exists--"all being." Those who assume our nervous systems to be up to the task, are likely to think that we are truly made in the image of God.
By the way, David, why do you exclude the INTERNAL WORLD from your definition of reality? Is my subjective experience somehow UNreal, and if so, how did you determine that? If the internal world is not part of reality then why should I (in my unreal subjective life) take your utterances seriously, given that they are the unreal expressions of your unreal internal life? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 10:19 pm
But if there is something that can't be known, does it really matter? I would say that by default, philosophy applies only to things that can be known, sort of by definition....

Not only is there reality, there are two types of reality - a physical reality that can be studied with hard science, and a reality about people themselves - such as, to say the JL likes Nietzsche would true and to say that he didn't would be false, regardless of your own position on Nietzsche, or any other fact regarding Nietzsche. I could say that my laptop looks like a purple elephant to me, and regardless of physical reality, it might be a fact dependong on what drugs I was on when I said it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 10:36 pm
Rufio, long time no see. I agree completely that what cannot be known is of no relevance to us philosophically.
0 Replies

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