Tue 13 Sep, 2011 04:48 pm
This is the story of a mother and housewife who had a harrowing experience in jail for misfortune of being seated on an airplane in a row that had too many brown-skinned people. The idiocy of Homeland security never ceases to amaze me.
It is a good read that is both entertaining and infuriating.
Quote:I heard the officers discuss my impending strip search. They needed to bring in a female officer. At least they were following protocol, or something to that nature. Still, could this really be happening?
Eventually a female uniformed officer came in. She looked like a fat Jada Pinkett Smith, and in a kind but firm voice explained what was going to happen. I was to stand, face the wall in a position so the camera above the toilet couldn’t see, and take off my clothes. I complied. She commented on my tattoo, saying, “Oh you have one of those things–good and evil, right?”
“Yin and yang. Balance,” I said, grabbing my clothes to redress.
“You understand why we have to do this, right? It’s for our own protection,” she told me.
Unbelievable. Unfortunately not.
Good read.
Some one on the woman's blog wrote: "... if this happened to an American flying to another country, there would be a lot of yelling and self-righteousness about how dare they detain me, etc. But, for an American, in America, its just taken as if its for the ‘Good of the General Population’... "
Could not agree more.