Well now, isn't that special...or is it interesting or is IND running on the BMT tracks by mistake?
i think it's special.
and that makes it law around here!
his royal majesty, Hammie.
Aside from the usual tribute, bowing and scraping, story and song, jester stuff, that kinda thing, anything you wanna do with the whole king thing?
I propose that we have our newly anointed king, polish the silver and wax the floors.
What kind of porcelain throne does the King prefer?
See, these are the kinds of questions you need to answer when you're a king 'n stuff.
Jespah, what r the A2K rules concerning monarchy ?
Well, we don't have a crown. You'll have to make your own. After that, I'm unsure. Primogeniture may very well apply.
nothing. isnt that what kings are supposed to do?
but keep up with that other stuff.
well, i'm off to burger king. I'll just say it's my birthday.
It was mine 3 days ago. You can say you're me, but you have to be female and have just turned 49.
Happy birthday, kid. A little late.
well, i did, and it worked. i glared at them in the eye, and said "I'm 49 now. It's my birthday. I am a female. Give me the crown."
now I am really king of this place, AND BK!
btw, happy bday.
Happy Birthday, Hamilton. And Jespah, our despot (snort, with love).
Hamilton, there's a line and you jumped it.
Robert Gentel is the guy. Not that we don't yammer at him. But I suppose there are always usurpers. He started this site when young and has only gotten smarter/wiser. Except of course for once in a while..
He mostly lets the site alone but cares about it a lot.
Go ahead and read him, he's great at argument.
He was known as Craven de Kere when younger (snickers, as he was smart then too)
We don't make him king, but he has high respect.
You on the other hand, are a Pretender.
bah! to the dungeon! off with your head! all that other stuff!
I've seen his posts. he's very smart, and in fact, I am a bit intimidated by him!
Good. He's not perfect, but ******* smart when he pays attention.
You could do worse than read his posts.
He has a lot of real life experience.
I say all this sardonically. I'm a butterfly on Robert's knowledge.
I agree that he probably does.
Well, then, read his posts.
Learn not to play vapid.
Not that I'm good at that.