You are feeding dolts like izzy.
Jews don't have a monopoly on suffering.
This, in no way, minimizes their suffering, but neither does it place it in some ethereal world where only Jews can appreciate it.
It is our shared humanity that should generate an appreciation of the centuries long suffering of Jews, not a membership card.
Obviously Izzy will lay claim to the mantle of shared humanity to bolster his regard for Palestinians, but he totally ignores the actions of the Palestinians that might be contributing to their suffering.
Nazis didn't send Jews to death camps because they fired missiles at Munich.
German Jews didn't refuse to acknowledge the legality of the German state.
Jews didn't leave the Warsaw Ghetto to mount raids on Polish families; killing their children.
Izzy and his confreres have, for reasons of conceit, and not even ideology, taken Palestinians as their favored victim class.
Why might this be?
Because conservatives support Israel.
If conservatives supported Palestinians, izzy would be going on and on about what anti-Semites they were.
Conservatives should make an issue of supporting China over Tibet and then izzy would be prepared to defend a people that have suffered, but have no accountability for that suffering, as the Palestinians do.