Palestinian Solidarity Campaign disrupts Israeli Concert. Yeah!!!

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 09:21 am
Sturgis wrote:

izzythepush wrote:
As I am neither Jewish nor Moslem it is not for me to say...

and as you admit now to being neither, and probably not Israeli or Palestinian either, you'd do well to stay the heck out of it. By not being a member of any of these groups you fail to comprehend the deeper meaning and importance which each group has in attachment to Israel.

Well, that's an interesting opinion.

So only Jews, Muslims, citizens of Israel or Palestine should discuss here?
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 09:41 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Discussion is fine, Walter. My objection comes when posters decide they know what is best and what the emotions of the people of involved are. It is not a cut and dry issue by any means and even within Jewish households there are pro and con arguments, I've been witness to several.

Perhaps I take a harder stand due to previous history within my ancestry.

So discuss fine all that all want to but remember that only those within know the true feeling of what is happening and what has happened.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 09:49 am
Sturgis wrote:
My objection comes when posters decide they know what is best and what the emotions of the people of involved are. ...

Isn't that happening always, with any topic?

"You" know what's best for "us", "we" know what's best for "them", "they" know what's best for "anyone else" ...

It would limit a lot of communication -and help- if only "only those within who know the true feeling of what is happening and what has happened" would be involved.
With a very limited outcome, too, I suppose.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 10:02 am
but remember that only those within know the true feeling of what is happening and what has happened.

That's just not how history works.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 10:20 am
Sturgis wrote:

and as you admit now to being neither, and probably not Israeli or Palestinian either, you'd do well to stay the heck out of it. By not being a member of any of these groups you fail to comprehend the deeper meaning and importance which each group has in attachment to Israel.

You really are a sanctimonious old git who talks a load of old bollocks. By that token the Free Tibet movement should all **** off and get a life, and the anti-apartheid movement should have kept their mouths shut. Don't try telling me what I comprehend, because I understand a lot more than you, whose response to any criticism of Israel is the predictable kneejerk response of anti-semitism.

I don't begrudge anyone's attachment to the Holy Lands. I do object to the illegal occupation of the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza and the oppression of the Palestinian people, something you choose to ignore.
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:14 pm
gungasnake wrote:
The other problem of course is that even the US does not recognize the ICC as legitimate in any sense:


Not a problem. As soon as the ICC recognizes jurisdiction over the conflict with the Palestinians, all that is needed is to deliver captured Palestinians up to the ICC along with whatever evidence there is that they've committed a crime.

The US and Israel do not need to recognize the ICC in order to do that.

gungasnake wrote:
Palesavages of course would immediately commence terrorist activity in Holland if any of their people were ever imprisoned by the ICC.

I expect that would not help their efforts to pretend that they are somehow poor oppressed people.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:15 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Don't try explaining international law to these cretins. They're still trying to work out why Rice Krispies go 'snap crackle and pop.'

Big words coming from someone who understands less about international law than any other poster in the thread.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:16 pm
izzythepush wrote:
You really are very stupid, all the Palestinians are being oppressed, and both sides are capable of producing terrorists.

Falsely accusing others of your own stupidity will not change the fact that all the terrorists here are Palestinians. Nor will it change the fact that it is hardly "oppression" to tell a Palestinian not to go around murdering children.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:18 pm
izzythepush wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
In fact there are legitimate Jewish and Christian holy places in Israeli territory, but no legitimate muslim holy sites.

That's just plain wrong.


Nope. he was exactly right. The fact that Muslims like to steal other peoples' holy sites does not give the Muslims any claim over those sites.

Those Islamic structures are abominations, and I yearn for the day Israel demolishes them and sends the wreckage to a landfill filled with garbage from Jewish neighborhoods.

I remember back in the early 1990s, the Hindus in India had a splendid riot where they demolished a similar Muslim abomination:

We need more riots just like that one.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:20 pm
gungasnake wrote:
The al aksa mosque is nothing more or less than the usual muslim penchant for building mosques over top of everybody elses churches and synagogues.

Yes indeed. We also need to reclaim these two sites from the Muslims:

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:36 pm
You are feeding dolts like izzy.

Jews don't have a monopoly on suffering.

This, in no way, minimizes their suffering, but neither does it place it in some ethereal world where only Jews can appreciate it.

It is our shared humanity that should generate an appreciation of the centuries long suffering of Jews, not a membership card.

Obviously Izzy will lay claim to the mantle of shared humanity to bolster his regard for Palestinians, but he totally ignores the actions of the Palestinians that might be contributing to their suffering.

Nazis didn't send Jews to death camps because they fired missiles at Munich.

German Jews didn't refuse to acknowledge the legality of the German state.

Jews didn't leave the Warsaw Ghetto to mount raids on Polish families; killing their children.

Izzy and his confreres have, for reasons of conceit, and not even ideology, taken Palestinians as their favored victim class.

Why might this be?

Because conservatives support Israel.

If conservatives supported Palestinians, izzy would be going on and on about what anti-Semites they were.

Conservatives should make an issue of supporting China over Tibet and then izzy would be prepared to defend a people that have suffered, but have no accountability for that suffering, as the Palestinians do.
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:45 pm
izzythepush wrote:
From Time magazine, sorry no dinosaur riders.

The centrality of Jerusalem in Muslim spirituality is apparent in the story of Muhammad's mystical Night Journey to Jerusalem. Muslim texts make it clear that this was not a physical experience but a visionary one (not dissimilar to the heavenly visions of the Jewish Throne Mystics at this time). One night Muhammad was conveyed miraculously from the Kabah to Jerusalem's Temple Mount. There he was welcomed by all the great prophets of the past before ascending through the seven heavens. On his way up he sought the advice of Moses, Aaron, Enoch, Jesus, John the Baptist and Abraham before entering the presence of God. The story shows the yearning of the Muslims to come from far-off Arabia right into the heart of the monotheistic family, symbolized by Jerusalem.

The fact that Muslims babble silly tripe in order to justify stealing other peoples' holy sites does not in any way legitimize the thefts.

Respect for other faiths was manifest in Islamic Jerusalem. When Caliph Umar, one of Muhammad's successors, conquered the Jerusalem of the Christian Byzantines in 638, he insisted that the three faiths of Abraham coexist. He refused to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher when he was escorted around the city by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch. Had he done so, he explained, the Muslims would have wanted to build a mosque there to commemorate the first Islamic prayer in Jerusalem.

On October 18, 1009, under Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, orders for the complete destruction of the Church were carried out. It is believed that Al-Hakim "was aggrieved by the scale of the Easter pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which was caused specially by the annual miracle of the Holy Fire within the Sepulchre. The measures against the church were part of a more general campaign against Christian places of worship in Palestine and Egypt, which involved a great deal of other damage: Adhemar of Chabannes recorded that the church of St George at Lydda 'with many other churches of the saints' had been attacked, and the 'basilica of the Lord's Sepulchre destroyed down to the ground'. ...The Christian writer Yahya ibn Sa'id reported that everything was razed 'except those parts which were impossible to destroy or would have been too difficult to carry away'."[16] The Church's foundations were hacked down to bedrock. The Edicule and the east and west walls and the roof of the cut-rock tomb it encased were destroyed or damaged (contemporary accounts vary), but the north and south walls were likely protected by rubble from further damage. The "mighty pillars resisted destruction up to the height of the gallery pavement, and are now effectively the only remnant of the fourth-century buildings."[16] Some minor repairs were done to the section believed to be the tomb of Jesus almost immediately after 1009, but a true attempt at restoration would have to wait for decades.[16]

European reaction was of shock and dismay, with far-reaching and intense consequences. For example, Clunaic monk Raoul Glaber blamed the Jews, with the result that Jews were expelled from Limoges and other French towns. Ultimately, this destruction provided an impetus to the later Crusades.[17]


The Jews found their new Muslim rulers far more congenial than the Byzantines. The Christians had never allowed the Jews to reside permanently in the city, whereas Umar invited 70 Jewish families back. The Byzantines had left the Jewish Temple in ruins and had even begun to use the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.

There is no question that Roman/Xian treatment of Jews has been abominable.

But that does not justify Muslims stealing everyone else's holy sites.

Umar, according to a variety of accounts, was horrified to see this desecration. He helped clear it with his own hands, reconsecrated the platform and built a simple wooden mosque on the southern end, site of al-Aqsa Mosque today.

Nope. The only thing he was trying to do was proclaim Islam's supposed superiority over Judaism.

izzythepush wrote:
As I am neither Jewish nor Moslem it is not for me to say which is the most important. The Bible is full of mystical visions; Jacob's Ladder, Burning Bushes etc. The fact is that Jerusalem is important to all three Abrahamic faiths, and all three should be shown due respect.

I'm sure you have an excuse for staying neutral every time the Muslims steal other peoples' holy sites.

But no. The only reason Jerusalem is important to Muslims is because it belongs to someone else, and Muslims like to steal other peoples' holy sites.
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:53 pm
izzythepush wrote:
You really are a sanctimonious old git who talks a load of old bollocks. By that token the Free Tibet movement should all **** off and get a life, and the anti-apartheid movement should have kept their mouths shut.

Those movements were/are just causes.

Your movement is just a bunch of ranting anti-Semites.

izzythepush wrote:
Don't try telling me what I comprehend, because I understand a lot more than you,

The only thing you understand is how to spew anti-Semitism.

izzythepush wrote:
whose response to any criticism of Israel is the predictable kneejerk response of anti-semitism.

Well, stop trying to disguise your anti-Semitism as "criticism of Israel".

izzythepush wrote:
I don't begrudge anyone's attachment to the Holy Lands.

I'm sure you'd not begrudge Muslims the right to steal any site anywhere in the world.

izzythepush wrote:
I do object to the illegal occupation of the West Bank,

Hardly illegal. In fact, as soon as Israel loses patience with your sort of nonsense, we are likely to see the annexation of East Jerusalem, as well as the annexation of the land that most of the settlers reside on.

izzythepush wrote:
the blockade of Gaza

Object away, but it a perfectly legal response to Palestinian aggression.

izzythepush wrote:
and the oppression of the Palestinian people, something you choose to ignore.

Hardly "oppression" to tell a Palestinian that he won't be allowed to go around murdering children.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 06:55 pm
Yo, Macabees...dial it back a bit, and let some goys be there for you.
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 07:46 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Yo, Macabees...dial it back a bit, and let some goys be there for you.

You forgot that I'm an American Catholic (with a strong agnostic streak)?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 01:38 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Because conservatives support Israel.

I saw Yasser Arafat being interviewed when I was 11, it has absolutely nothing to do with what conservatives do. You choose to ignore the facts of the occupation. You seem to think all this can be solved by Hamas changing its constitution, and ignoring the fact that when Arafat was in charge and Hamas was sidelined, Israel continued the occupation.

You call me a dolt, but you need to have pun explained to you. You claim to support Israel, but you stick up for Josef CV and his holocaust denial on another thread. You better tune back into Fox, see what you should be thinking because you obviously can't do it for yourself.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 01:42 am
The slaughter is incredibly one sided, for all the actions of Hamas and Islamic Jihad they're not even approaching the killing machine that is the IDF.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:29 am
izzythepush wrote:
You choose to ignore the facts of the occupation.

The facts are:

a) In the 1990s Israel pulled out of Palestinian areas when it seemed that the Palestinians were interested in peace. Since then, Palestinian populations have been under Palestinian control.

b) Israel would have negotiated a full withdrawal to 1967 borders in 2000/2001. However, negotiations collapsed when the Palestinians sent wave after wave of suicide bombers to massacre Israeli children.

c) Israel would have pulled out of most of the West Bank unilaterally after negotiations failed. However, when they pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinians turned it into an artillery battery for shelling Israeli civilians.

d) The occupation (if it can be legitimately called an occupation, see "a") is necessary to prevent Palestinians from murdering people.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:33 am
izzythepush wrote:
The slaughter is incredibly one sided, for all the actions of Hamas and Islamic Jihad they're not even approaching the killing machine that is the IDF.

Not the dead children gambit again. Rolling Eyes

There is a huge difference between "Palestinians killed in self defense when they try to murder people" and "Israeli children blown up while dancing in a nightclub".
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 10:21 am
izzythepush wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Because conservatives support Israel.

I saw Yasser Arafat being interviewed when I was 11, it has absolutely nothing to do with what conservatives do.

So you're telling us that your support of the Palestinian cause is based on the fact that for 11 year old izzy, Yasser Arafat was a hero?

What did you find so admirable in him? His violent ruthlessness? His mendacity? His corruption? Did you actually buy the sham that he was, at heart, a man of peace and reconcilliation? Are you sure you didn't just mistake him for Ringo Starr?

You choose to ignore the facts of the occupation. You seem to think all this can be solved by Hamas changing its constitution, and ignoring the fact that when Arafat was in charge and Hamas was sidelined, Israel continued the occupation.

Because I don't agree with your presentation of the "facts of the occupation" doesn't mean that I think Israel has been faultless throughout these long years. Often, in hindsight, it can be perceived that they have overracted in ways that have been unfair to innocent Palestinians and detrimental to their own political goals, but hindsight is always 20/20; particularly when the original circumstances are being viewed through fire, smoke and blood.

Obviously it can't all be solved by Hamas changing its constitution. Fanatical murders though they may be, I do have to hand it to them that they are a cut above the oily Arafat in terms of sincerity. They want to see Israel destroyed and they make no bones about it.

You call me a dolt, but you need to have pun explained to you. You claim to support Israel, but you stick up for Josef CV and his holocaust denial on another thread. You better tune back into Fox, see what you should be thinking because you obviously can't do it for yourself.

This last paragraph is precise evidence of your doltish thinking.

I don't know or care what you are talking about in terms of what you seem to believe is the infamous "pun affair," but it's easy to see that you reflexively reach for it as a rhetorical weapon whenever you're frustrated.

Characterizing what I wrote in regards to a JosefCV post and "sticking Up" for either him or "his holocaust denial" is absurd. You are either unable to think clearly when it comes to someone you believe to be a foe, or you are deliberately twisting the truth. Either way, while naming you a dolt for it may not be quite accurate it hardly speaks well of you.


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