you been with me all my life?
Hell, I couldn't begin to tell you the things I have seen.
And I do not deny it, I have even said I think you may have a prophetic gift, did I not?? But I do not believe you are the one and only Messiah...So if that is the case...I have no way of believing your right about anything else you say you felt or experienced....and there is no way for me to validate them, just like you can't validate my experiences, and I know what I have been witness to and have seen/experienced...that is why I keep my mind open and say you may have a prophetic gift...I do not believe you are the Messiah...and you could easily prove you are, if you are, and wanted to...
Like I said,
I'm not here to prove anything
But I can validate your experience,
and why you believe what you do.
I have experienced the same thing.
After I left that experience I saw it again.
These people where dancing on the graves of their ancestors,
Believing that the Spirits of their ancestors came into them and danced in them.
looked just like Pentecostal delirium.
That he knows and understand you, more, better and intently than you could possibly ever dream.
I have no reason to delude such things that my mind is not comprehensible to fathom....therefor, it is nothing I am dreaming or deluding about, it is God, doing, and acting in direct actions thru me....
You need to sleep on it>
Sounds like a possession,
God does not possess anyone.
It would be a possession if it was an evil spirit, Since it is the Holy Spirit, which speaks thru all prophets...(just read your Bible, or any website, as to what a Prophet is) you'll see that when the Holy Spirit enters you, it is not a possession, but rather God, using your body as a vessel to speak his words to the world....
messenger from God,
ambassador of the Kingdom.
In my case,
Messiah the Prince,
Firstborn Son,
begotten by The Word.
That is exactly who I am, But I would never go far enough to say I am God in the flesh...that tells me, your mistaken, or are ill....If you were God in the flesh, and in the second coming like it says in scripture, people would know it was you, before you even spoke a word...they would just know...and there would be no way for them to deny you, no matter how much they tried to do so...Since people, don't feel inclined to believe your him, I don't believe you him either, and this is one who has the Spirit within themselves...You may believe it's bullshit, but I am being as honest and genuine as I can about this, without being offensive...
You can't offend,
or off end me,
I know you're being as honest and genuine as you can.
The whole world will deny me,
And stay under the spell of Satan.
Afraid you do.
Are you?
I am not afraid of anything...Not even the Devil himself, Nor Hell itself....I have experienced it many times, and will never reject God...the only thing I fear is the wrath of God itself...period....
Good for yew!
Me too,
I fear nothing!
And I have looked evil in the face many times,
as he tried to destroy me.
I'm not pissed.
Are you?
Nope, so its common for you to post a post saying to me I don't ******* know you, I don't ******* know anything about anything etc????? That leads me to believe you were pissed about something, if I am wrong please explain how what way should I have taken that post directed toward me???
You sure sound pissed,
You don't ******* know me,
Yet you have a problem with me.
Just give me one.
That the Holy Spirit of God, came upon my body, proclaimed me as a Prophet of his, and I have had visions and dreams ever since....
how do you know that was the Holy Spirit of God?
I don't need luck, I know it's truth with certainty....
Good luck with that.
just like that.
Well then, In case your unaware of this, the best way to find a brother, is not by posting a posting with what the **** do you think you know about me??...What the **** do you think you have to show me?? Do you ******* know Lisa? **** no you don't, etc...
I was nice about it though,
But you have been so pissed,
and argue mental.
But a much better way would have been to ask me questions, and I would have asked you ones in return....
And what question would you have me to ask?