I hate the size of the aisles at Wal-Mart
I hate that no one considers trying to shop with multiple children isn't a handicap.
I hate it when your in a restaurant or any public place and someone is obviously talking loudly enough for people to hear them because they feel what they are saying makes them look good.
I hate it when receptionists show cleavage.
I hate when someone doesn't give a straight answer.
I hate the fact that some people make a big fuss over appearances. Especially those married women who stay at home with their children and dress to the nines just to go to walmart!!! Are they trying to impress someone? Are they that unhappy in their marriage?
I hate people who are too wrapped up in material things. I like to say....
EXCESS does not qualify you for SUCCESS
And....I hate money!!!!! Its stressfull, and is always coming and going!!!
Causes confusion and delay...and brings out the WORST in people.