Fri 19 Aug, 2011 09:17 pm
yada u u = ?
WE ARE STRONG.....America....GOD Bless'''LOV'yha''......Onward. ...yada u u eh..
"Lov'yha" would definitely mean "love you". As for the "yadda u u" I have no idea! It's very sloppy English.
I'm with LittleK. That yada u u means nothing to me.
This is not dialect. This is just some Yahoo displaying his or her semi-literate "skills."
Setanta wrote:
This is not dialect. This is just some Yahoo displaying his or her semi-literate "skills."
How angry goes that make you?
No one has suggested it is dialect. It's the speech of young people.
I don't understand yada u u either, Ori, but it might be a shortcut for yada yada yada