Yea! I dont like people telling me what to do either but grownups love to boss people around because their old and they think they know everything.
I like being in advance classes too, kinda, but people bully you. They think your a nerd and I'm smaller than everyone else.
I get bored alot too. American History was actually interesting today though. We watched a video about politics and capitalism and stuff like that. I have it first period so I kinda forgot alot of stuff by now, but the video made Republic sound better than Democratic. It said that the founding fathers wanted America to be a Republic and that Democratic usually turns into Obligarchy (something like that)over time. I thought that was interesting because I think my dads democrat (he voted for Obama), and the video made Democrat seem it leads to chaos. My dad says Republicans are selfish and we need to help the poor. Thats why he's a democrat. I think both Democratic and Republican are kinda confusing because they both sound alot good and a little bad. Know what I mean? Democratic and the other 3 types give government too much control. Americas the best country because it has/had limited government.
Im starting to like American History, I guess I just needed to give it a chance. I learned that Capital means, means for production. And Capitalism is when people use things to make stuff better? Is that right? Anyway, I thought that was cool. Free Enterprise Capitalism is good but there are bad kinds. Oh and Hitler was Anarchy.
I took a practice test in Chemistry. I was soo bored I wanted to shoot myself in the head. HAHA! End my misery! Just kidding
American History is my new favorite subject and my teachers awesome. She gave me a homework pass for making good notes!