How can we be sure?

Sun 27 Nov, 2022 05:32 pm
@The Anointed,
Once upon a time, piggy encountered a guy who directly employed Lord’s picture as his avatar in PHF galaxy.
Now piggy encounters a “hyper” Lord in this galaxy who likes to design nature with his own logic.
You are modest in front of Lord…so, piggy likes to spend some time to talk with you.

Piggy thinks professional physicists around the world will have to focus on the problem of rabbit’s “tooth decay” and negotiate how to amend it this century, unless they all really have been “obsolete”. They have to find out the real physics meaning of those complicated math games in traditional “authentic” QM and show up its real power. Thereafter, they will rush to turn it into industrial technology.
Piggy really doesn’t think that we have spare time to care about whose “great thought” or “great DREAM”…

Different guys have different DREAM. At least thousands of new DREAM “poop” into the night sky in this world per year. Seems Mr. “Oscar” has to forge thousands of medals per year…

Seems we have to “travel back in time” to talk the movie “Cast Away” again: Mr. Chuck’s courage of employing a piece of iron to knock the “flawed” tooth away deserved Oscar Award. Haha

The Anointed
Sun 27 Nov, 2022 09:31 pm
@The Anointed,
As said in my previous post to steve reid, we are fourth dimensional beings, who are able to mentally traverse time. We are fourth dimensional beings, who, in a state of deep meditation or hypnosis, are able to descend into our inner most being where space and time are as one and relive memories back to and beyond our own birth, and there, we are able to merge with a living mind of our past [Who we once were] and experience the life and times of our living ancestor.

And while merged with a mind of our living ancestor, [Who we once were] our comatose body in the present will sometimes speak in the tongue of that ancient ancestor, which language is totally foreign to the comatose person in question, while the ancient ancestor in his own time, babbles incomprehensively, sometimes speaking in a strange tongue, in the as yet unknown language of his future descendant in his attempt to give form and terminology to the visions that he is receiving from the mind of his as yet unborn descendant of the future, which terminology to express such visions have not even developed in his point in time.

That person is seen as a prophet when speaking of a giant grasshopper that spits fire from its tail, with wings above its head that sound like the roaring of a mighty waterfall, in his attempt to describe a Black Hawk helicopter as seen in a vision while merged with the future mind.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Nov, 2022 03:38 am
Such statement of “atoms have no physical structure” (a piece of “invisible energy”) was just “ear muck” in PHF galaxy too. It’s also the result of plaguing by the “flawed” conception of “probability wave” in traditional “authentic” QM, I think.

But piggy feels the term of “invisible energy” no bad. The exact term should be “deposited or confined energy” here. Otherwise, the brightness of that “biological beings” would surpass a sun. The key point is how to deposit energy in an acceptable and feasible physics model with effective mathematical – physics method. Otherwise, it at most can count as casual imagination, even illusion. The conception of spherical electromagnetic wave was not the pig’s patent. The simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave” as well as the spiral chirality were initiated by the pig, I think. The significant affair is that the pig illustrated the inherent PROPERTY of such structure can INTERCONNECT with Einstein’s SR (the root). Why it must not be a good thing?

Perhaps, the term of “invisible energy” has other usage: about another sophisticated scientific category of “dark matter vs dark energy”.

have a lovely day.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Mon 28 Nov, 2022 04:47 am
Once upon a time, piggy encountered a guy who directly employed Lord’s picture as his avatar in PHF galaxy.
Now piggy encounters a “hyper” Lord in this galaxy who likes to design nature with his own logic.
You are modest in front of Lord…so, piggy likes to spend some time to talk with you.

Well, this modest man has neither the time right now, nor the desire to converse with a pig, other than to suggest, that if it has a pet rabbit, it should have been aware of the fact that dental problems are quite common among pet rabbits, mainly because of the lack of fibre in their diet and if the pet is now found to have tooth decay, then it is piggy’s fault for not having the Vet regularly cheek it’s pet’s teeth.

steve reid
Mon 28 Nov, 2022 05:23 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:
Well then, unlike you, I am not a rob0t.

I am a biological robot, as is all life

The Anointed wrote:
There are many paths before me, and I am free to follow which ever path I choose.

You are nearly right, it should read "There are many paths before me, and I have the illusion I am free to follow which ever path I choose."

The Anointed wrote:
Unlike those of your faith who believe that their entire life is laid out before them, if they murder their fellow man, they cannot be held accountable because they had no choice, their actions were determined before they were even born.

Would you or your God want me to lie about my beliefs because they throw up some very troubling questions.

The Anointed wrote:
surely you don't believe that mankind who now stands of the top rung of the ladder of evolution, closes the door to the process of evolution.

Our evolution and destiny will be determined by cause and effect

The Anointed wrote:
When referring to the fourth dimension I am speaking of the Minkowskian notion of time as being the fourth dimension. As in the fact that we can move forward and backward, [0ne dimension] sideways, [Two dimensions] up and down [Three dimensions] and through time; [Four dimensions] and not that which is called 4- dimension Euclidean space.

Come travel with me on a journey through time Not in some capsule but in our own minds To the innermost sanctuary will we descend To that single cell from which we began In the Holy of Hollies where all are one Where all of space and time is joined We’ll mingle there with other minds From other lands in other times Minds of the past who seem dead and gone And minds of the future who are yet unborn For they in their times whether here on this world Or some distant planet to which they’ve been lured Will enter their innermost sanctuary too And perhaps in there they might merge with you Ah! To travel through space in the wink of an eye Merged with a child from some world way up high Now, if this be but madness then madness it be But, come my mad brothers, come----follow me!

Déjà vu, I recall reading this before on another of your posts

As I have already written, I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that the universe is not ruled by cause and effect, but hoping for such does not make it so
Mon 28 Nov, 2022 05:41 am
@The Anointed,
Of course, piggy has a rabbit pet…a pure white one, but piggy doesn’t think it lack of fibre in its diet, because the pig eat what it is not willing to eat, haha
Actually, the “rabbit” piggy mentioned is always that “authentic” physicist Dandan in PHF galaxy.

Are you AWARE your so called what “pioneering physicist” and his “great thought” actually are outdated already?
Come back please, piggy desires to converse with a modest man in front of Lord. haha
The Anointed
Tue 29 Nov, 2022 06:35 pm
@steve reid,
I am a biological robot,

No mate, you’re simply living in a state of self-delusion owing to your erroneous belief despite all the invalidating evidence.

"There are many paths before me, and I have the illusion I am free to follow which ever path I choose."

Indeed, there are many paths before you and you are free to choose whatsoever path that you want to, the only trouble is, you have deluded yourself into believing that of the many choices you could have made according to your own free will, the choice that you did make was already determined before you were even born.

Would you or your God want me to lie about my beliefs because they throw up some very troubling questions.

The only troubling question your mistaken belief throws up, is how in hell can anyone possibly deceive themselves into believing that in the long run, they cannot and will not be held accountable in any way for any of their actions, good or bad, because they had no control in the matter.

You impose your law on the society in which you live; “Don’t kill me or mine, don’t thieve from me of mine, done have sex with my spouse etc, etc. etc, and you believe that you can break the very law that you impose on the world around you and not be held accountable, because you had no control over your life whatsoever. Well, I’m afraid you’re in for a rude awakening, when the great pregnant androgynous woman is reunited to her Lord after the great Sabbath is finished and all physical life forms remaining of this planet are incinerated as foretold through the prophet Zephaniah, and the umbilical cord that binds the Son of Man to his mother body is severed.

Zephaniah 1: 2-3; The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken.
Verse 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth.

It is then that THE SON OF MAN, the Most -High to have developed within the creation, divides all the disembodied spirits who have died the first death and says to those on his left; “I was hungry but you would not feed me, thirsty but you would not give me a drink; I was a stranger but you would not welcome me in your homes, naked but you would not clothe me; I was sick and in prison but you would not take care of me.’ ‘Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels!

That Lake burning with fire and sulfur in which the immortals suffer everlasting torment, is the eternal punishment for the unrepentant wicked human spirits, ‘THE SECOND DEATH’ eternal and everlasting death of those minds/spirits from which there is no return: The eternal punishment. Everlasting oblivion.

Apparently THE SON OF MAN believes that they are to be held accountable for their own actions committed according to their God given gift of free will

Our evolution and destiny will be determined by cause and effect.

An unbroken golden genetic thread of life connects who I am, back through time, to and beyond the first primitive life form to have crawled out of the primordial waters of the earth. Who I am is the living earthly temple of the spirits of all its descendants who are my ancestral spirits, who live behind the veil of the flesh within the innermost sanctuary of this temple that is “WHO I AM”.

As I have already written, I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that the universe is not ruled by cause and effect but hoping for such does not make it so.

You are wrong, so now rejoice in the fact that your hopes have been vindicated.

To all of you who’ve ever asked, “Where does forever end?”
Where are the boundaries to eternity, or can eternity begin?
Did God once wallow in the mud and frolic with the swine?
Did the consciousness of life begin in the body of mankind?”

To all those souls in torment, who from the wilderness cry out,
“All you Swamis, Priests, and Gurus, tell us what life’s all about.
Are you teachers of enlightenment, or blind men who lead the blind
Can the beginning and the end be one, who encompasses’ all time?”

To the prisoners in the dungeons of those shepherds of the night
To the tortured souls in those dungeon holes, who long to see the light
Let these words be milk and honey, to strengthen everyone
Who are waiting for the brilliant light of He who is to come.

The Anointed
Tue 29 Nov, 2022 08:20 pm
Come back please, piggy desires to converse with a modest man in front of Lord

Why would you wish to converse with a modest man in front of Lord Krishna the eighth manifestation of Vishnu the saviour?

Avatar...... A visible representation of something abstract.
Manifestation...... A visible representation of something abstract.
Mutual Synonyms.
Tue 29 Nov, 2022 08:46 pm
@The Anointed,
Piggy’s humble opinion is even Lord closes his eyes (need not to observe), he can paint his oil onto your streamlined geometric body (although perhaps human never can find a perfect mathematical – physics method to DESCRIBE it)…shining like the sun ray. Do you agree?
Piggy thinks the game is going to the end.
The Anointed
Tue 29 Nov, 2022 09:35 pm
Piggy’s humble opinion is even Lord closes his eyes (need not to observe)

Then perhaps you might find the observer in Zeus the SON OF MAN. So let me repeat.

According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the sixth child born to Time (Kronos) and Space (Rhea), Time was his father and Space his mother. Zeus is the Godhead, the Most-High that was created on the sixth day, or the sixth period of universal activity, the sixth generation of the universe. Zeus, the sixth child born to Time and Space is called the father of Gods and men, the most high and powerful among mortals, whom all others obey.

His five siblings, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed by their father ’Time’ immediately after they were born. The five universal bodies, who were born to Time and Space prior to the sixth universal child, did not develop a mind, that is to say, a spiritual godhead to the universal body in which they were developing.

When Zeus was born, his mother ’Space’ hid him in a cave, a tunnel (A worm hole) and gave to her partner ‘Time,’ a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth, which he swallowed. The stone swallowed by Time was none other than the philosopher’s stone, the concealed stone of many colors, the single stone with seven facets, the mystic seed of transcendental life, which should invade, tinge, and wholly transmute, the imperfect self into spiritual gold.
The son of Zeus and his sister wife Demeter, is Dionysus who is equated with Osiris, The Platonists who believed the Greek myths, called Dionysus, the mind within us, our master, our indwelling ruler.”

Demeter was the sister wife of Zeus and mother of Dionysus [The firstborn son of Zeus and the successor to the throne of the spiritual godhead to the human race] whose body was torn to pieces by the Titans, then boiled in water before being roasted in fire; [The baptism of blood, water, and fire.
When Zeus had grown, it was by a cunning devise of Metis ‘which is divine wisdom,’ that Cronos (Time) was forced to bring up the five children or the previous five universal bodies that he had swallowed before they had developed a Supreme personality of godhead within them, but first of all, the seven faceted stone.

Those children who were swallowed by time, were the product of the first five creative days or periods of universal activity, (The first five generations of the universe.) Osiris like Adam was the first man to be mummified and Osiris is the god of the first of the five new made days.

Osiris/Adam, the first man to be mummified, was created by “The Son of Man,” who was born at the close of the 6th generation, who was ‘the Lord to the glory of ‘EL’ the creator.

Budge—Book of the Dead, p. 627, “O Osiris, son of Nut (Primeval matter), I have given unto thee the Sovereignty of thy father Seb (Time), and the goddess Mut (Space), thy mother, (Lord of Space and Time) who gave birth to the gods, brought you forth as the first born of five gods, and created thy beauties and fashioned thy members.”

Isis, the sister wife to Osiris, was the most popular goddess from the time of Psamtik 1 (663-610 B.C) till the coming of Christianity, her cult appealed to the Greeks and Romans alike and when Egypt came under Roman rule, her cult spread through much of Europe. By the time of Jesus, the chief center of her worship was in Rome. Isis is commonly depicted with Horus the child (Harpocrates) on her lap, and today, it is impossible for the average punter to distinguish between the late pagan and early Christian figures of the mother and child, it’s almost as though the old Pagan Queen was stripped of her old garments and clothed with the new covering of Christianity.

What does all this have to do with the conversation? Nothing, but then very little that you have to say, is relevant to the topic in hand, although, if you were more conversant with the English language, you might be better understood. .
Frank Apisa
Wed 30 Nov, 2022 10:07 am
Certainly lots of interesting guesses about the REALITY being offered here. I wonder if any are correct. In fact, I wonder if any are even partially correct.
0 Replies
steve reid
Wed 30 Nov, 2022 10:22 am
@The Anointed,
There are many unknowables, these are three that are relevant and related

1. Is there a God
2. How did life originate
3. Do we have free will

As you have faith and believe there is a God, then you will accept that God created life and God gave you free will, for you it is sorted.

As I don't have faith, I don't believe in a God, and so I have to look elsewhere for the answers to life's origins and the possibility of free will.

I don't know the answers to these three questions. All I can do is look at the evidence and make some assumptions. If new evidence is presented to me and it seems reasonable, I will look into it and perhaps revise my views.

It seems reasonable to me the laws of physics governed the universe and it's evolution via cause and effect for millions/billions of years, before life originated. As I exist, the laws of physics allow for life to originate, as it has done, all through cause and effect. The life forms that originate are made via the cause and effect of chemical reactions, these chemical reactions rearrange atoms and molecules into ever more complex structures and this includes the brain.

If we have free will, then the brain has found a way by thought alone of bypassing/ignoring/transcending cause and effect, I find that difficult to believe. If it is true and I come to understand how, then I may change my mind

If I do come to believe we have free will, it will be free will, but not from God, unless I find faith

2 questions please

1. Re: Eternal suffering, what happened to God loves a sinner but hates the sin
2. Do animals have free will, a deer, a bird or a fish
Wed 30 Nov, 2022 05:37 pm
@The Anointed,
Piggy recommend the master Monk Tang (唐僧) for you. That guy is on the horse.
Have a lovely day.

People keep talking Catholicism and myth perhaps is not so bad.
But if people keep talking the “flawed” conception of what probability wave, another one train of bills and one more century would be wasted. Piggy “sure enough”.呵呵
0 Replies
Wed 30 Nov, 2022 06:02 pm
What “correct” and what “reality” are that kind of “ear muck” in all philosophy forums.
In physics, even a “tooth decay” rabbit has successfully produced electron micro scope…
Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Thu 1 Dec, 2022 04:53 am
@steve reid,
Sorry I’m so longwinded in responding to your post, but I have a few great-grandsons spending their holidays on our block, and they’re a wild bunch I tell ya mate, straight off the spinifex, don’t give me much time to sit before the computer.

So first I will respond to your question Re: Eternal Suffering.

_Eternal suffering, what happened to God loves a sinner but hates the sin_

Here, you reveal why you have no faith in the God as recorded in the Christian and Jewish scriptures, and the reason being, because you are totally ignorant to those scriptures.

Did some biblical ignoramus tell you that the bible states that sinners will suffer in hell for eternity, and you believed them?

Death is the penalty for sin and we all have sinned and we all must die once (The first death) then go off into judgement. It is the second death that God is referring to. The everlasting death that can be avoided.

Ezekiel 18: A good person will be rewarded for doing good, and an evil person will suffer for the evil he does. “If an evil person stops sinning and keeps my laws, if he does what is right and good, he will not die; he will certainly live. All his sins will be forgiven, and he will live, because he did what is right. Do you think I enjoy seeing an evil person die?” asks the Sovereign LORD. “No, I would rather see him repent and live.

“But if a righteous person stops doing good and starts doing all the evil, disgusting things that evil people do, will he go on living? No! None of the good he did will be remembered. He will die because of his unfaithfulness and his sins.

Jesus said, "To love God with all your body, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself, and you will live, for the complete law is fulfilled in those two commands."

You are body, soul and spirit=mind. Your body is created from the universal elements, and it is activated by the universal soul, which is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universal body, activating everything within the universe, It is to the universal soul=LIFE-FORCE, that all information or SPIRIT, is gathered.

The first death is when your body is returned to the universal elements from which it was created, the second death, which is suffered by the unrepentant wicked, is in the eternal fire that was prepared for the Devil and his immortal angels, where the spirits of the unrepentant wicked mortals are divided from their God given soul and are no more. The eternal punishment is eternal death, not eternal suffering.

Those emptied souls are later given new bodies in which to develop new minds in a more righteous society.

Revelation 21: 5-8; Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!” He also said to me, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.” And he said, “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it. Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children. But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practice magic, those who worship idols, and all liars — the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.”

You can lead a horse to water mate, but you can’t make him drink. Everlasting life and everlasting death have been placed before you and only you, according to your God given free will can choose which one is for you.
Frank Apisa
Thu 1 Dec, 2022 07:18 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Sorry I’m so longwinded in responding to your post, but I have a few great-grandsons spending their holidays on our block, and they’re a wild bunch I tell ya mate, straight off the spinifex, don’t give me much time to sit before the computer.

So first I will respond to your question Re: Eternal Suffering.

_Eternal suffering, what happened to God loves a sinner but hates the sin_

Here, you reveal why you have no faith in the God as recorded in the Christian and Jewish scriptures, and the reason being, because you are totally ignorant to those scriptures.

Did some biblical ignoramus tell you that the bible states that sinners will suffer in hell for eternity, and you believed them?

Death is the penalty for sin and we all have sinned and we all must die once (The first death) then go off into judgement. It is the second death that God is referring to. The everlasting death that can be avoided.

Ezekiel 18: A good person will be rewarded for doing good, and an evil person will suffer for the evil he does. “If an evil person stops sinning and keeps my laws, if he does what is right and good, he will not die; he will certainly live. All his sins will be forgiven, and he will live, because he did what is right. Do you think I enjoy seeing an evil person die?” asks the Sovereign LORD. “No, I would rather see him repent and live.

“But if a righteous person stops doing good and starts doing all the evil, disgusting things that evil people do, will he go on living? No! None of the good he did will be remembered. He will die because of his unfaithfulness and his sins.

Jesus said, "To love God with all your body, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself, and you will live, for the complete law is fulfilled in those two commands."

You are body, soul and spirit=mind. Your body is created from the universal elements, and it is activated by the universal soul, which is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universal body, activating everything within the universe, It is to the universal soul=LIFE-FORCE, that all information or SPIRIT, is gathered.

The first death is when your body is returned to the universal elements from which it was created, the second death, which is suffered by the unrepentant wicked, is in the eternal fire that was prepared for the Devil and his immortal angels, where the spirits of the unrepentant wicked mortals are divided from their God given soul and are no more. The eternal punishment is eternal death, not eternal suffering.

Those emptied souls are later given new bodies in which to develop new minds in a more righteous society.

Revelation 21: 5-8; Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!” He also said to me, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.” And he said, “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it. Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children. But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practice magic, those who worship idols, and all liars — the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.”

You can lead a horse to water mate, but you can’t make him drink. Everlasting life and everlasting death have been placed before you and only you, according to your God given free will can choose which one is for you.

Anyone who actually wants "everlasting life" is just nuts. I am living a delightful life, but like you I am an old man. At 86 I figure I will leave this life sometime relatively soon. When I do, fine. I hope I leave it without too much pain. But the last thing I want is to live forever...in any form.

I do appreciate your blind guesses about the REALITY of existence...but all they are is blind guesses.
Thu 1 Dec, 2022 07:35 am
@Frank Apisa,
You HOPE Frank….What are you refusing to guess about anyway?

Whether there is or isn’t a God or whether you exist or don’t exist?

Even if you knew, why do you think that would make any difference anyway?

Maybe it doesn’t come down to knowing or not knowing and never has.

Maybe it comes down to something else.

Thu 1 Dec, 2022 07:56 am
It would appear that you “exist” but are not “alive” Frank and can’t drag yourself out of robotic reasoning.
Frank Apisa
Thu 1 Dec, 2022 08:18 am
Jasper10 wrote:

You HOPE Frank….

There are lots of things for which I hope. I hope you write something intelligent at some point.

What are you refusing to guess about anyway?

I am refusing to guess about the true nature of the REALITY of existence. (Are there gods, for instance. Is what we humans call "the universe" the result of the action of a god, for another. Is the universe infinite, another. What happens after death, another. That sort of thing.)

Whether there is or isn’t a God or whether you exist or don’t exist?

I've answered your question above.

Even if you knew, why do you think that would make any difference anyway?

If I knew, it wouldn't change anything. I would not have to make a guess...if I knew.

Maybe it doesn’t come down to knowing or not knowing and never has.

I have never said it does. What point are you attempting (unsuccessfully) to make?

Maybe it comes down to something else.

Something else from what????????????????????????

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Thu 1 Dec, 2022 08:19 am
Jasper10 wrote:

It would appear that you “exist” but are not “alive” Frank and can’t drag yourself out of robotic reasoning.

I am not sure if you are stupid or insane. I guess I could make a guess, but I prefer not to do so.

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