Rather than trying to work out what he wants - why don't you try and work out what you want? (and go after it)
Trying to work out someone else is like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together with a whole heap of missing pieces - you're never going to know all the pieces of his life or all the pieces of his mind, so you're never going to quite work him out (and the more missing pieces the less sense it/he will make). What this means is, in order to make sense of his actions, you then start putting your own slant(reasons) on to his actions, and you start making excessively good reasons up for the things you like, and start making excuses for his actions that you don't like...so that his actions will fit in with what you want...
...but unless you know what you want, you won't even understand what you are doing or how you are arriving at conclusions about him that don't even help you.
So it helps to stop wasting your energy on a pointless exercise and focus on what you want in life (and from the relationship) and go after that (or at least see if he comes towards what you want). This isn't selfish per se, but simply recognising what part you want from the relationship (rather than just going I don't know - just 'something' - which rarely works for you)
Basically - once you know what you want out of relationship, you can work out if a person is right for you..and/or you can look for someone who will truly make you happy.