fishin' wrote:Hi Montana!
Sounds like your son knows the score and has given you his "view" on it.
I'd say go for the jugular.

(and umm.. If ya need anything - I know a LOT of Waltham cops!

LOL, thanks Fishin. I'm good friends with many Waltham cops myself ;-)
Well, I just got the call from my lawyers office with my court date and I am not happy that my date is in yet anther 2 months on June 30th. I am truly beside myself that it's already been 6 months since I filed and now I have to wait another 2 months. (Huge sigh)!!!
maybe knowing some Waltham thugs would be more useful?
LOL Margo. I know many of thugs, but that's too risky and I really need to do this the right way ;-) If I went the thug route, then I'd want the pleasure of kicking his ass myself :-D
Sounds like a job for the A2K Girl Gang...
We'll get him for ya, Montana. All that'll be left will be a bloody pulp. 'Course, I think you'd really rather have cash.
Hmmmm...any ideas, girls?
Awwww!!!! Thanks Eva. I'd love to bash him up myself, but I might break a nail and he's just not worth it. Besides, if we touch him, we might catch something nasty. Anyone got any baseball bats hanging around? LOL! Actually, you're right Eva, I need the cash.
One thing I always have to remind myself is that he is a miserable bastard and he has to live inside his own skin for the rest of his miserable life, while I live happily ever after. He has done nothing his entire life but hurt people and I wouldn't want to have to live with that, so he's already burning in his own hell.
He may have managed to make my life a living hell all these years, but he made the mistake of putting our son right in the middle of it all in spite of me and now he lost his son. My son wants nothing to do with the man, so he has to live with that as well. My son no longer fels the loss, so the loss is all his ;-)
Either way, I'd still love to take a bat to the SOB :-D
Now, now, Montana, that is no way for an ex-wife to behave.
Let me.
You're right Eva. I am way out of line here.
He's all yours ;-)
You know what we need here? We need a digital version of that "bop the gophers" game where we can insert a photo of our ex-loved one on the face of each little furry animal.
Hahaha!!!! That would be awesome!!!! I'd be Bam! Bam! Bammin at him every day. It'd be the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. How fun is that :-D
Just could even sit there BAMMING him on the computer while you're talking to him on the phone! Wouldn't that be fun?!
Somebody could make a lot of money with this idea. Hmm. Maybe I should start a thread on this?
Just adding my support to what others have already said, Montana. This is not about revenge, it's about justice.
I must say your ex. sounds a very weak, unprincipled character.
LOL! That would make a great thread. If you do it, don't forget to post the link here :-D
Thanks a million. I know it's not about revenge. This is about getting the support I need for my son and if there's any justice at all, I'll win this thing once and for all. This is also about getting the DOR involved to collect the support on my behalf, so I can cut the cord with that monster, get him out of my life, so I can finally get on with mine. The reason my child support is always late is because he uses it to push my buttons and it needs to stop.
In the mean time, pretend bashing him would be great therapy :-D