What are we doing to find Osama Bin Laden?

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 01:23 pm
Right, we will have to be sure that he hasn't trimmed his beard. I hope he hasn't lost his tan from being inside the hotel for so long... Rolling Eyes
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Brand X
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 01:26 pm
kickycan wrote:
What does that have to do with anything? See my other post.


To find bin Laden. j/k
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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 03:25 pm
They're just looking in the wrong place.

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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 09:13 am
John Webb wrote:
No one in the Administration wants bin Laden caught or dead, for without this Bush-created figurehead and bogeyman, there would be no serious justification for continuing their War On Terrorism and using him as an excuse to invade other nations in future.

He is also needed by the security agencies to justify their huge budgets, now that the former Soviet Union cannot be used for that purpose. Rolling Eyes

Really? Bin Laden is a "Bush created figure head"? Lemme know when you decide to join the rest of us on the planet.

U.S. repeatedly asked Taliban to expel bin Laden
Declassified cable details years of negotiations
From Henry Schuster CNN
Friday, January 30, 2004 Posted: 5:59 PM EST (2259 GMT)

(CNN) -- The U.S. government asked the Taliban regime in Afghanistan to expel or hand over Osama bin Laden more than two dozen times between September 1996 and summer 2001, according to a recently declassified State Department cable.

Three of those attempts were made after the Bush administration came into office in late January 2001.

Despite the various efforts, "these talks have been fruitless," the cable said.

The cable was written in July 2001 and was obtained recently by the National Security Archive at George Washington University through the Freedom of Information Act. The National Security Archive posted the document to its Web site Friday.

Sajit Gandhi, research associate at the NSA, said there are indications that the Taliban were approached more than 30 times during the time period.

The Taliban religious militia ruled much of Afghanistan from the mid-1990s until a coalition of U.S. and allied forces drove them from power in November 2001.

The Taliban had given haven to al Qaeda before the attacks of September 11 2001. Remnants of the group remain active, and bin Laden is still at large.

The State Department held its first meeting with a Taliban official September 18, 1996, when the political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, asked that bin Laden be made "unwelcome" in Afghanistan.

According to the document, the U.S. official was told by the Afghani deputy foreign affairs adviser that "the Taliban do not support terrorism and would not provide refuge to bin Laden."

Gandhi said he was particularly struck by a U.S. request in early 1997 that it be allowed to visit "militant training camps in eastern Afghanistan," and that a Taliban official initially agreed. But the Afghan government kept delaying the visit and finally rescinded the offer in April.

The cable recounts, in chronological order, a series of attempts to get bin Laden out of Afghanistan that continued before and after the U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, which the United States linked to al Qaeda. The U.S. government warned the Taliban, for example, in September 1998, that they would be held accountable for any future terrorist actions by bin Laden.

The Taliban offered a series of responses, most of which were made public at the time. First, the Afghan government told the United States that to oust bin Laden "would violate Taliban rules of hospitality," then later said they would put bin Laden on trial. However, the Taliban rejected the evidence linking bin Laden to the embassy bombings.

At one point, a Taliban spokesman also told a U.S. official that his government could not expel bin Laden because it "would result in the downfall of the Taliban."

The Bush administration continued the warnings, with contacts February 8, March 19 and July 2, 2001. In the last communication, the Taliban deputy foreign minister told the U.S. ambassador to Pakistan that bin Laden had not been convicted and that officials of his government "still consider him innocent."


What?? Since 1996??? Gee, I thought Bush created Bin Laden... Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 10:14 am
Fishin, this is old stuff. Anyone who read the news knew about all thiswhen it was going on. The point you miss is that the Clinton bunch warned the Bush bunch about the terroists but the bush bunch decided that tax cuts were more important than protecting us expendable citizens. The government had been warned for years that some group might use planes for bombs and the excuse that noone in government knew about it is garbage. They might not have been able to stop 9/11 but on the other hand if they had spent as much time watching terroist groups as they spent on tax cuts they might have been able to stop it.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 02:52 pm
McGentrix wrote:
I am just curious why there are so many Saddam lovers here. You wish he was still in power and torturing and killing the Iraqi people. I don't understand why you want that.

McGentrix, you REALLY make it hard for people to respect you. It takes alot to piss me off...congratulations, you did it! Seriously, what kind of stupid ass comment is that?

Do you REALLY think those against Bush's actions are "Saddam Lovers"??
Jesus Christ... let me clear you up on some things:

There are plenty of other countries who murder their own citizens. If thats Bush's justification for war, he should have been up front with that from the jump-start. What did we get? Alot of bullsh*t about WMD that oddly enought transforms to "Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction-Related-Program-Activities" with human rights tagged on after the fact to try to cover his lies.

A country should go to war for ONE reason ONLY. When they are under attack or are JUST ABOUT to be attacked. Don't give me this c*ck and balls story about the "iminent threat" nonsense. Anyone and anything can be an "iminent threat", including Syria, North Korea, etc.

I'm furious that over 500 of our troops and roughly 7,000 Iraqi civilians are DEAD because of Bush's hard-on for war. Feel free to cultishly obey whatever the administrative line on the war may be. I, for one, choose to think for myself and look past the presidents words. I'm looking at his actions, and they disgust me.

I was one of the many who actually witnessed the towers collapse to the ground. I volunteered that night to find survivors. The entire time I was thinking of how the person responsible for this travesty will NOT get away, and will be brought to justice.

What does Bush do? He diverts thousands of troops from the hunt in Afghanistan to Iraq. I often think of how quickly we could have found Osama if we flooded the mountainside with troops. Instead they die regularly in Iraq, and now were stuck there, while the lie becomes exposed.

There are a few more things I'd like to say to you, but I can imagine you'd know what they are.

"Saddam lover" my ass.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 03:22 pm
They are making more effort to find Bin Laden now, I've been hearing on newscasts for about a week. Yesterday one television news reportr said the US military is pretty certain they will find him this year. And, my comment: "Whadda ya know; just in time for the election."
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 03:49 pm
Spring Offensive
Plans are that 30,000 troops will go into Pakistan to root out Al Q. and Osama. Sticking point: Pakistan refuses to allow US troops on thier soil. Will the US move in anyway?

Afghanistan is a mess. More reports of Taliban resurgence and more attacks of US and allies.

The Neo Fascists must pull a rabit out of their terrorist hat because their program of lies is falling apart.

I still strongly suspect that another terrorist strike will occur within the US before the election. It's the only thing that will keep the Neo Fascists in power.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 10:06 pm
Re: Spring Offensive
pistoff wrote:
I still strongly suspect that another terrorist strike will occur within the US before the election. It's the only thing that will keep the Neo Fascists in power.

Really? See I thought it would be the election in November that would keep them in power. I assume you are speaking of the Bush administration when you say "Neo Fascists"...
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 06:19 am
You thought?
That's amazing.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 01:46 pm
rabel22 wrote:
Fishin, this is old stuff. Anyone who read the news knew about all this when it was going on.

Well, it's pretty obvious the thread starter doesn't read the news. That's why I posted it here.

The point you miss is that the Clinton bunch warned the Bush bunch about the terroists but the bush bunch decided that tax cuts were more important than protecting us expendable citizens. The government had been warned for years that some group might use planes for bombs and the excuse that noone in government knew about it is garbage. They might not have been able to stop 9/11 but on the other hand if they had spent as much time watching terroist groups as they spent on tax cuts they might have been able to stop it.

Funny, I didn't get that point from the original post in this thread at all. If you go back and read that post it very clearly implies that Bin Laden didn't exist prior to Bush taking office. How could Clinton have warned Bush is Bin Laden didn't exist during thr Clinton Administration?
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 02:48 pm
look for the capture of BinLaden AND a huge expose of whoever was responsible for the intelligence that bush, with good intentions for america, received that leaves him blameless for the iraq debacle, around early fall I'd say.

look for all the idiots to fall for it, and that's a lot of idiots. Lots of idiots of course being the voter base bush inc. romances.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 04:10 pm

Why are you insulting me because you and someone else are trying to argue about an UNRELATED issue? I don't see any implication in my original post that Bin Laden wasn't around before 9-11. Yes, he was around before 9-11. So what. Before 9-11, he hadn't masterminded 9-11! So what if we could have done this or that before the fact. The fact is, it happened! And my original question was what are we doing to get the guy who masterminded 9-11! I didn't mention that Bin Laden was around before that, because it HAS NO RELEVANCE to what I was saying. Look at it again, and you'll see that any implications were of your own making. Of course, if you guys want to argue about what might have happened before 9-11, then by all means, go on.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 04:12 pm
You are right Kicky. It was John Webb that made the nonsensical comment I was referring to. My apologies!
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 04:16 pm
Okay then. No problem at all.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2004 12:23 am
Fishin, one of the things that the Bush Administration and the Clinton administration discussed during the transitation peroid of thier governments was terriosts. Bush and his boys ignored the terriost threat because they dident want to be viewed as agreeing with anything clinton did. Clinton handed over data related to the terriosts but Bush ignored it. This information is available in several books and printed newspaper articles. Noone has said that bin Laden dident exist before 9/11. His organization was involved in many bombings. 9/11 wasent his first foray into terriosm. As far as I can see Bush is still not trying very hard to git him. All I see from him is more Im gona git him. You cant do it with words. If he had comitted 130,000 soilders to afganistan we would have destroyed Al Kada but due to our governments stupid policies we have given them a chance to regroup and spread thier organization all over the world.
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Reply Tue 17 Feb, 2004 07:16 pm
This seems as good a place as I can find here to post this news item:

Federal prosecutor sues Ashcroft

Lawsuit alleges Justice Dept. interfered with terrorism case

The Associated Press
Updated: 6:34 p.m. ET Feb. 17, 2004

WASHINGTON - A federal prosecutor in a major terrorism case in Detroit has taken the rare step of suing Attorney General John Ashcroft, alleging the Justice Department interfered with the case, compromised a confidential informant and exaggerated results in the war on terrorism.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino of Detroit accused the Justice Department of "gross mismanagement" of the war on terrorism in a lawsuit filed late Friday in federal court in Washington.

Justice officials said Tuesday they had not seen the suit and had no comment.

The suit is the latest twist in the Bush administration's first major post-Sept. 11 terrorism prosecution, which is now in danger of unraveling over allegations of prosecutorial misconduct. [..]

The lawsuit states Convertino first complained to his superiors more than a year ago about the Justice Department's interference in the Detroit terrorism trial, saying Washington supervisors "had continuously placed perception over reality to the serious detriment of the war on terror."

The lawsuit includes excerpts of an e-mail from another prosecutor in the case that Convertino says "identified some of the gross mismanagement which was negatively impacting the ability of the United States to obtain convictions in a major terrorist case." [..]

Convertino also accused Justice officials of intentionally divulging the name of one of his confidential terrorism informants to retaliate against him.

The leak put the informant at grave risk, forced him to flee the United States and "interfered with the ability of the United States to obtain information from the (informant) about current and future terrorist activities," the suit alleges. [..]
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Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 10:23 am
Even I'd love to see Ashcroft out of a job.
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Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 11:40 am
Ashcroft . . . you mean the spawn of satan? Yeah, I've heard of the guy.
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 07:16 pm
Re: What are we doing to find Osama Bin Laden?
kickycan wrote:
I am writing this because I'm pissed, quite frankly. 9/11 happened right in my backyard. I saw the smoke from the buildings when I walked out on the street that day, and I remember George Bush telling us all that the people who did this would be brought to justice. So we invaded Iraq. What the Hell does that have to do with catching Osama Bin Laden? Couldn't we have used the billions of dollars worth of time and effort to find the guy who actually did it!!!??? And the funny thing is that people actually believe that this is a good tactic! I'll remember that if I ever get mugged, and I'll just go and beat the hell out of some other random guy. That's justice, Dubya style! What the f--- are these corrupt war-mongers that are running our country doing to find Osama Bin Laden?

Does anyone have an answer to this yet?
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