Tue 13 Jan, 2004 10:53 pm
I am writing this because I'm pissed, quite frankly. 9/11 happened right in my backyard. I saw the smoke from the buildings when I walked out on the street that day, and I remember George Bush telling us all that the people who did this would be brought to justice. So we invaded Iraq. What the Hell does that have to do with catching Osama Bin Laden? Couldn't we have used the billions of dollars worth of time and effort to find the guy who actually did it!!!??? And the funny thing is that people actually believe that this is a good tactic! I'll remember that if I ever get mugged, and I'll just go and beat the hell out of some other random guy. That's justice, Dubya style! What the f--- are these corrupt war-mongers that are running our country doing to find Osama Bin Laden?
Good question.
Just think of what might have been if we took even up to half of what we used in the Iraq war and applied it to finding Osama. There is a good chance we would have had him by now.
Instead we get a war and nation-rebuilding project while the president seems to refuse to even say the name "Osama Bin Laden" on television for the past 14 months.
I watched the towers fall 2 blocks from me, and I don't see how the killer of almost 3 THOUSAND Americans is still on the loose when we supposedly know exactly who he is and the general region he is most likely in.
Check it out:
He's even in the mountains, for Christ's sake! Why aren't we flooding that region with troops and special forces?
Man, I can't wait to vote.
bin Ladens
Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin Ladens
(London, November 7)
Tuesday, Sep 11
FBI agents in the United States probing relatives of Saudi-born terror suspect Osama Bin Laden before September 11 were told to back off soon after George W Bush became president, the BBC has reported.
The BBC's Newsnight current affairs programme on Tuesday said that Bush at one point had a number of connections with Saudi Arabia's prominent Bin Laden family. It added there was a suspicion that the US strategic interest in Saudi Arabia, which has the world's biggest oil reserve, blunted its inquiries into individuals with suspected terrorist connections -- so long as the US was safe. Newsnight reported it had seen secret documents from an FBI probe into the September 11 terror attacks that showed that at least two other US-based members of the Bin Laden family are suspected to have links with a possible terrorist organisation.
The programme said it had obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of Bin Laden family members living in United States before, as well as after, the terrorist attacks. Newsnight said Bush made his first million 20 years ago with an oil company partly funded by the chief US representative of Salem Bin Laden, Osama's brother. Bush also received fees as director of a subsidiary of Carlyle Corporation, a little-known private company which in just a few years since its founding has become one of America's biggest defence contractors, and his father, George Bush Sr, is also a paid advisor, the programme said. The connection became embarrassing when it was revealed that the Bin Ladens held a stake in Carlyle, sold just after September 11, it added.
Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin Ladens
(London, November 7)
Good question. Don't forget to vote ;-)
Do you guys actually believe what you write?
Just curious...
We're not blinded to the truth by conservative glasses.
I am just curious why there are so many Saddam lovers here. You wish he was still in power and torturing and killing the Iraqi people. I don't understand why you want that.
I am not a Saddam lover, in fact I detest the man, but he is alive while thousands of innocent people are dead just for the sake of getting this man. Wake up and smell the freaking coffee will ya!!!!!!!!!! You can't seem to fathom why so many people are really upset about this invation on Iraq and I doubt you ever will! It has nothing to do with how people feel about Saddam McGentrix, so when are you going to get that through your head?
Right, you would rather have Saddam still in power. You would rather have him torturing and killing 100's of thousands more of his people while continuing to fund the chaos in Palestine.
You can't seem to fathom that there was no other way of removing him from power. You and many others from the left detest the invasion yet have continuously failed to come up with an alternative.
Not a Saddam lover...please.
So it's ok with you as long as it's the US doing the killing.
Yes. That's right. The US is not an indescriminate killer that tortures people for our own amusement. Also, The US will give power to the Iraqi people to enable them to rule themselves without fear from secret death squads.
I am sorry that you can't differentiate between the US actions and Saddams actions.
Ah yes, McG, we are very discriminating killers--we only kill those who get the way of our "national interests." So if you are so appalled with Saddam, do you then advocate invading any country where such atrocity is common? Are we to protect the world's population from their own governments? Let's see--Chechnya (those damned Russians), Ingusetia (those damned Russians, again), Tibet (dirty Chicoms), Burma--excuse me, Myanmar, the Sudan, the Congo . . .
Hey, no problem--i'll tell ya what, we'll just fund it with more tax cuts for Bush's rich buddies, and sweetheart contracts for the former employers of administration insiders.
Hey, you know, i just thought of another one, McG--India !
They practice abortion and female infanticide--we can take 'em with one hand tied behind our collective back. Hell, there's only 800 million of 'em.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...I've heard it from you before Set.
No, I don't advocate invading anyone. You read more into everything and then jump to conclusions.
All we are reading is your own words McGentrix.
Re: What are we doing to find Osama Bin Laden?
kickycan wrote: I remember George Bush telling us all that the people who did this would be brought to justice. So we invaded Iraq.
Actually we invaded Afghanistan first because thats where Al'Queda was primarily based and thats where we thought Bin Laden was hiding.
kickycan wrote:Couldn't we have used the billions of dollars worth of time and effort to find the guy who actually did it!!!???
We have several thousands of troops in Afghanistan looking for him. He may be in Pakistan but the liberals might get all bent out of shape if we rattle our sabres at them to help us find him.
kickycan wrote:What the f--- are these corrupt war-mongers that are running our country doing to find Osama Bin Laden?
See above.
Mcgentrix, This post is about Bin Laden. I guess you learned that trick of changing the subject to Saddam Hussein to sidetrack the real question from our wonderful president. You've learned the lesson well.