hamilton wrote:
well, when you're bored, you arent doing ANYTHING interesting.
If you consider that we have but one life, and that you have to sell it in bits and pieces to have the stuff of survival, then there is no reason to be bored, and no reason we should accept boredom and the price of survival... If you let a worthless class of prople put you in a trick bag whene you are spending 60 minutes out of ever half an hour wishing the only life you have would move a little faster than a crawl, then they have won, and you have lost... It isn't about money... It isn't about power... If the rich can look forward to their days and we have to cringe at the very thought of tomorrow they have won...
If our lives are spent hating our lives until we get old and die because on the one hand we are moral, and don't want to live with the thought of hurting anyone, and on the other hand are gutless and fear the sure and certain reaction to our striking at those who rob our lives of meaning, then we are doomed... But what futility is ours, what pointlessness and dismay...
We do not have to stand back and watch as meaning is drained out of us like blood from a scapegoat... WE do not have to participate in our own demise... We do what we do hoping and expecting a better that will never come without our active participation... We accept boredom, and practice for it from our earliest days... It is foolish to spend life in this fashion, but we know no other, and can imagine none better...