Fri 27 Feb, 2004 09:46 pm
As for Micah's comments about the FBI thing, I dont mind it much. Because there will always be people who say things. Now i dont know his true intention, whether he was serious or just joking around, it does not matter. I dont pay attention to them anyway. I am just glad that he believes that there is only 1 God worthy to worship and that He created everything.

I agree that everything should be scrutinized. People should dig in to the Quran. But all that I am saying is to not believe everything you read or hear. Well still you havent really explained why you previously said the Quran has been changed. I am going to reapeat this again, the Quran is the same one it used during prophet Muhammed's(pbuh) time. Whereas all the other religious books has been changed and altered by people. The Quran has not been altered, and the proof of that is that if you go anywhere in the world, Muslims recite the Quran exactly the same. THE ARABIC HAS NOT CHANGED.

You said: "If you made a reasonable approach to a respected academic establishment near where you live, I'm sure they could point you in the right direction, if you wanted to pursue it."
Believe me steve, many has went to the respected academic establishments. I am taking this as a smart comment, as if they can say anything against the Quran. This does not prove anything.

I first claimed that the Quran is the word of God.Then Wilso said that it was not. So then I was the first one to pose the question to prove the Quran is not the word of God. If someone asked me first then it would have been a different case. So then go ahead and do it. Since many of you guys can feel free to bash on the Bible, then why dont you try your same approach to the Quran. Please I am eager to hear from you guys.

I read that article about Luxenberg when it first came out. This is nothing new.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Feb, 2004 11:43 pm
QKid wrote:
Well still you havent really explained why you previously said the Quran has been changed. I am going to reapeat this again, the Quran is the same one it used during prophet Muhammed's(pbuh) time. Whereas all the other religious books has been changed and altered by people. The Quran has not been altered, and the proof of that is that if you go anywhere in the world, Muslims recite the Quran exactly the same. THE ARABIC HAS NOT CHANGED.
Here is another excerpt from that article on Luxenberg.
Scholars like Mr. Luxenberg and Gerd-R. Puin, who teaches at Saarland University in Germany, have returned to the earliest known copies of the Koran in order to grasp what it says about the document's origins and composition. Mr. Luxenberg explains these copies are written without vowels and diacritical dots that modern Arabic uses to make it clear what letter is intended. In the eighth and ninth centuries, more than a century after the death of Muhammad, Islamic commentators added diacritical marks to clear up the ambiguities of the text, giving precise meanings to passages based on what they considered to be their proper context. Mr. Luxenberg's radical theory is that many of the text's difficulties can be clarified when it is seen as closely related to Aramaic, the language group of most Middle Eastern Jews and Christians at the time.

For example, the famous passage about the virgins is based on the word hur, which is an adjective in the feminine plural meaning simply ''white.'' Islamic tradition insists the term hur stands for ''houri,'' which means virgin, but Mr. Luxenberg insists that this is a forced misreading of the text. In both ancient Aramaic and in at least one respected dictionary of early Arabic, hur means ''white raisin.''

Note the bold text. Is it your contention that no early copies of the Koran exist that are written without the diacritical marks?
QKid wrote:
I first claimed that the Quran is the word of God.Then Wilso said that it was not. So then I was the first one to pose the question to prove the Quran is not the word of God. If someone asked me first then it would have been a different case. So then go ahead and do it. Since many of you guys can feel free to bash on the Bible, then why dont you try your same approach to the Quran. Please I am eager to hear from you guys.

I have asked you on several occasions to comment on the early versions of the Koran without voweling and diacritical marks, and about multiple interpretations.
QKid wrote:
I read that article about Luxenberg when it first came out. This is nothing new.

There is a lot of information in that article about what you and I and Steve have been discussing, and again you just dismiss it as nothing new. You never mention whether you agree or disagree with any or all of it. For instance, here is another excerpt from the article which mentions the Dome of the Rock inscriptions.
Mr. Wansbrough insisted that the text of the Koran appeared to be a composite of different voices or texts compiled over dozens if not hundreds of years. After all, scholars agree that there is no evidence of the Koran until 691 -- 59 years after Muhammad's death -- when the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem was built, carrying several Koranic inscriptions.

These inscriptions differ to some degree from the version of the Koran that has been handed down through the centuries, suggesting, scholars say, that the Koran may have still been evolving in the last decade of the seventh century. Moreover, much of what we know as Islam -- the lives and sayings of the Prophet -- is based on texts from between 130 and 300 years after Muhammad's death.
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Fri 27 Feb, 2004 11:50 pm
Mesquite, it's called flogging a dead horse.
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Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:24 am
Wilso wrote:
Mesquite, it's called flogging a dead horse.

Nah, I just completed a CPR class. This is practice.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 01:32 am
Portal Star wrote:
very rude and biggotish thing to say, Micah. How would you feel if you were talking about Christianity on a forum (in a more civilized manner than you do) and someone said that you should be arrested for your beliefs because of what happened in the crusades? Not everyone is = to their stereotype, and only a specific kind of Islamic fundamentalists (who we helped gain power by giving them weapons to fight Soviets, I might add) atacked the united states. QKid said nothing about blowing up people who disagreed with him, and it was incredibly rude for you to assume so. You can disagree with someone's beliefs and not be a biggot. I think if you want to act like a decent person, you should apologise.

[also, ever heard the expression: you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar?]

let's take a look at the warm reception i recieved from you when i got here....your hyprocisy is blinding......all of the following quotes of yours are found in one thread....but they accurately reflect your attitude...

ladies and gentleman.....heres portal star......in the first thread i started, called, "God Calling", an intersting, revealing read......

Portal Star wrote:

I think you're right. And that would explain why I thought he could write sometimes but not others, and why he doesn't know how to converse.

Maybe he is a religious chat bot !

Portal Star wrote:

Yeah, that's why I thought he was in a cult. I'm putting my money on dramatic life-changing event which is making him that way. Like, repressed thought and utter belief because someone close to him was killed in a horrible way or somthing like that. And there is always insanity, not caused by anything specifically.

I've given up on thinking he was kidding or doing an experiment. He is too serious and persistent.

Portal Star wrote:
Did you find a lost portion of the bible, or did you take one person's diety and apply it to a new version of a mystery cult?

How did you learn to read and write? Where are you from? What is the name of your group? What are you trying to accomplish by posting here?

Everything you have written is suspect because it is unquoted and non-sensical. It is half-assed capitalized metaphor put into a sort of aged sounding format. I see no truth, I see evidence of foolhardiness or brainwashing.

Portal Star wrote:
So, you're from California. I know there are some strange religious organizations there. Is that where the branch dividians are from?

you posted a whole lot of text, still haven't told me where it has come from. Like I said, it is metaphoric and most of it doesn't make sense (how could I pick out one strand from a sea of nonsense?) I feel like I'm trying to explain that the sun is light.

And I wasn't kidding about you being a cultist, or a troller. What is the name of your following?

Portal Star wrote:
Micah, I hope that you can have the strength to get help (or realize you are in need of it.)

Portal Star wrote:

OOH you're a cultist! Those are even more fun than plain ol' devoutly religious. I'm suprised they let you use the internet. Are you supervised at a public terminal? (Do you need help?)
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 02:27 am
I see the gang is all here.

But where is Hamid ?

I think Hamid =Hollis (from Abuzz) who has been been pursuaded "to see the light" by those bearded guys in the picture !
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Portal Star
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 02:36 am
So you are diverting self-responsibility by trying to shift the blame to me?

Every one of those statements were based on things you said. You have been exceedingly rude to anyone who has a different viewpoint than you, especially Asherman when he was taking about his experience with Buddhism. I was noticing trends in your posts and pointing them out. As I said before, Qkid said nothing about bombing anyone, but you immediately made that assumption.
Negative beliefs about a person based on evidence = acceptable
Negative beliefs about a person based on assumption = biggot.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:22 pm
Portal Star wrote:
So you are diverting self-responsibility by trying to shift the blame to me?

Every one of those statements were based on things you said. You have been exceedingly rude to anyone who has a different viewpoint than you, especially Asherman when he was taking about his experience with Buddhism. I was noticing trends in your posts and pointing them out. As I said before, Qkid said nothing about bombing anyone, but you immediately made that assumption.
Negative beliefs about a person based on evidence = acceptable
Negative beliefs about a person based on assumption = biggot.

bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

you don't even know what it means.....i guess i am a bigot, using the REAL definition depending on how you interpret 'intolerant'....

my statement about the FBI was made purely in humor....it may have been poor humor however, you my friend are the epitomy of rude...as anyone can see when they read your above responses....
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:37 pm
Micah, you aren't winning any friends or influencing any people here. The FBI statement, if it was indeed made in jest, was in extremely poor taste. It would be like commenting on the six year old victim of a rape and murder and saying "I'll bet she was tight." Mad
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:40 pm
hobitbob wrote:
Micah, you aren't winning any friends or influencing any people here. The FBI statement, if it was indeed made in jest, was in extremely poor taste. It would be like commenting on the six year old victim of a rape and murder and saying "I'll bet she was tight." Mad

you a very sick man
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:41 pm
Pot, kettle, etc......
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 12:52 pm
hobitbob wrote:
It would be like commenting on the six year old victim of a rape and murder and saying "I'll bet she was tight." Mad

in this thread we were given a web link that showed a picture of the tumbling world trade center, in addition, the so-called prophecy from the koran trying to show it was God who brought down the world trade center...your own apathy over-rides your ability to see the humor in my FBI comment....

all i said was, "we should alert the FBI"

we can see what your twisted mind came up with....

i do pity you....
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 02:11 pm
Guys guys guys, just drop it all. This thread is not about pointing the finger at others. Dont worry about it anymore. JUST DROP IT! Lets get back to the topic.

Before I start, I must say that I am not too familiar with the whole voweling thing, although I have heard about it and I can assure you that these questions of yours can be answered and were answered before. Its just that I am not too familiar with them. I think that the beginning Qurans was written without any vowels but I didnt make a difference in the pronounciation. I am not sure but I think the Arabic language does not have any vowels. I will try to look it up for you.

About the excerpt you presented, I dont know about the "discoveries" that these scientists claim to have found. But i do disagree when it says that the Quran is a composite of different voices or texts complied over hundreds of years. It was not, look this article is trying to change history, look up the issue of when the Quran was revealed, you will find that it says all happened when prophet Muhammed(pbuh) lived in a span of 23 years.

Then it says "These inscriptions differ to some degree from the version of the Koran that has been handed down". Well to what degree?? We dont know what they are even talking about in the article. For all I know they are just making a lot of this up. Anyone can throw around acussations.

Look, all these are not even the issue at hand. I want to hear (especially from WILSO) about proving the Quran is not the words of God. This is the issue.

You see, I dont appreciate people who make smart comments like "it's called flogging a dead horse" and "The deluded, and the dangerously deluded" when they really dont have anything relevant to say about the topic at hand.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 02:33 pm
Diacritical marks are a way to imply pronunciation in scripts that lack vaowels (Most semeitic languages, i.e. Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, etc...). BTW, how can you have made the comments you have without even being able to read Arabic?
As far as changes in the content of Q'uran over time, changes are typical in any texts over time. I did a seminar paper on dietary injuctions in the Q'uran in the period 900-1100, and used texts that represented this change (gotta love the DC area. Access to Library of Congress, georgetown's Arab Studies Collection, and the Walters (Baltimore). Very Happy ). There were distinct differences between texts, not only in meaning, but in ordering of Suras. The Q'uran probably didn't acheive its current form before the print era, when it became possible to standardize texts.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 05:44 pm
When someone can prove to me that god exists, then I might start worrying about which book holds his words.
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Portal Star
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 08:04 pm
micah wrote:
hobitbob wrote:
It would be like commenting on the six year old victim of a rape and murder and saying "I'll bet she was tight." Mad

in this thread we were given a web link that showed a picture of the tumbling world trade center, in addition, the so-called prophecy from the koran trying to show it was God who brought down the world trade center...your own apathy over-rides your ability to see the humor in my FBI comment....

all i said was, "we should alert the FBI"

we can see what your twisted mind came up with....

i do pity you....

groups = stereotypes = assumptions -before you meet them.-
I did not see the picture of the world trade center falling, if that is so than I revoke my statement that you should apologise or are in the wrong.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 08:28 pm
I don't. Micah continues to display his usual ignorance. I was accosted by several "patriots" after 11th September who wished to physically encourage me to "go back where I came from." Unfortunately for them this "towel head" was more than their match! Mad
0 Replies
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 10:34 pm
Portal Star wrote:
I did not see the picture of the world trade center falling, if that is so than I revoke my statement that you should apologise or are in the wrong.

The WTC picture was in a link in this post. I posted the link as an example of the dangerously deluded. It was in no way a reference to Qkid, so IMO Micah was still out of line.
0 Replies
Portal Star
Sun 29 Feb, 2004 10:26 am
mesquite wrote:
Portal Star wrote:
I did not see the picture of the world trade center falling, if that is so than I revoke my statement that you should apologise or are in the wrong.

The WTC picture was in a link in this post. I posted the link as an example of the dangerously deluded. It was in no way a reference to Qkid, so IMO Micah was still out of line.

Ah, ok. Statement refreshed. Micah is a bigot who should apologise.

How terrible for you, Hobitbob! I'm glad I blend fairly well. (Are you Islamic? How odd if you were/are and went into studying the history of abrahamic/early Christian faiths.)

Once, on the playground in grade school, a kid secretly took off his headwrap and showed everyone his hair. It was really long. I know it was forbidden for him (by his parents, religion) to do so, but it was really interesting.
0 Replies
Sun 29 Feb, 2004 10:51 am
No, I am a "recovering catholic." My (adoptive) parents were a geologist and his wife who had been living in Libya from 1959 on. Somehow or other (and I never learned the complete story) they learned of a Catholic orphanage in Tripoli, and set about adopting a son. I think that after raising two daughters they wanted something diferent. I'm sure I turned out to be quite different from what they expected. Wink Instead of sports and cars, my interests turned out to be more bookish. I'm still the "black sheep" in a family that would agree with many of Mel Gibson's ideas. A typical example of holiday conversation: "So, Robert Lee, why are you still going to college to be a teacher when you could get a job at St. Pauls as a substitute, and maybe go from there?" Smile
They also hold out vague hopes I will become a priest. Rolling Eyes
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