Why should rich people pay a greater share of their wealth to taxes?

Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 08:42 am
Perhaps you need to read this story Pemerson..


Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 06:34 am
Michael Jackson? Odd. Before his death he hadn't made a record since 2001. I doubt he would have raised too much money for the under-privileged. Maybe now that he is dead, his brothers could raise a fund raiser in his name....they'd probably like the attention.

Not that this is interesting to anyone or have anything to do with anything, but, I watched his last concert on cable and it was probably going to be good. I just wondered the whole time how in the world he could even sing much less dance with all the drugs he was taking.
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Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 04:42 pm
Righto! But, I don't see Obama making a move towards raising taxes. So, he'd be brave enough to ask the rich for money? So, do something, anything, but do something! Some rich folk have suggested they don't pay enough taxes. So, make a move, already.
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 04:53 pm
Ah, I remember that little book being read aloud when I was a little child. For some reason, it just doesn't help any. Possible, all the lazy others would learn a tough lesson, get out there and plant that corn...etc.., etc. How do we really know what we would do? But, not even a bite?
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Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:15 pm
Pemerson wrote:

Righto! But, I don't see Obama making a move towards raising taxes. So, he'd be brave enough to ask the rich for money? So, do something, anything, but do something! Some rich folk have suggested they don't pay enough taxes. So, make a move, already.
As a lame duck if he is lucky enough to become one, he might try to raise taxes... The thing is that the middle classes have been made lower middle class or poor because of unfair taxation that helps the rich to grow richer... When they here the word taxes they poop in their pants and hide under the bed because the rich have so well sold them on the idea that their taxes are wasted on government and only used to support welfare... What the rich tells the middle, that taxes hurt the economy is false... Taxes on the poor certainly hurt the economy... Income taxes that help the rich to hold vast estates are terrible for the economy and the nation, and the bubble we just saw is good proof of that... It was the ability to hold all the good real estate because the taxes were so low that drove up the price, starved the states and municipalities of revenue, and forced everyone to pay outrageous interest to have property, and at the same time forced wages down... It is necessity that makes people slave their lives away, and income taxes on wages were just an addition to necessity... Consider, that when the income tax was first made constitutional it only affected 11 to 13% of the population... The people of that day clearly wanted to tax the wealth of the rich, but once in place it was used to spare the rich of their share of taxes... But with wages driven down and jobs exported, and people using all manor or credit to survive, the rich need to pay, and they hate it because they have to sell wealth to the population... They think if another millionaire is not made every time a bell rings that they will all go to hell... They should... They are traitors to the nation and the enemies of humanity... Let them go to hell...
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 02:17 pm
Each candidate is going to sweat more over keeping their backers happy than anything you could mention. Such nastiness we are going to see, read, hear, before and during the next election. Brace yourself.
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Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 04:15 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

Obama has plans to tax the poor in order to pay for his reckless spending habits.

What do you care? The IRS doesn't know your primary source of income is derived from the sexual favors your cousin offers strangers on your behalf. And the rotting shack where you yourself bed (is a pile of horseshit and corn husks technically a bed?) her each night is also off the grid.

Smile. You're living the high life.
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Reply Sat 3 Sep, 2011 07:28 am
Pemerson wrote:

Each candidate is going to sweat more over keeping their backers happy than anything you could mention. Such nastiness we are going to see, read, hear, before and during the next election. Brace yourself.
Good... When citizens attack citizens for any reason it is the end of your nation... To have government they destroy government not understanding that good government is essential to people... If they can say in a democracy that the government is bad it means you really have no democracy since the people in a democracy govern themselves... Some of the people certainly are bad and bad government is their product; and even if government were suddenly thrown into the laps of the people and they had the power and authority in their lives, because they have been for so long kept ignorant, bigotted and prejudiced, it would be a long time before they would make wise dicisions as a matter or course... But we really have no essential control... Government should vote, and then the people should decide; but even in the health care debate, the people were never informed and never allowed their say in the voting booths... We are forced to manage our affairs a long distance through proxies who are exposed to every form of corruption... The system does not work, but then we do not work because the system denies to us even the means to support ourselves... Once we are reduced to dependence, and without wealth or support, we will be slaves... Economic equality is essential to political equality... People without property and morality cannot be democratic...
Reply Sat 3 Sep, 2011 01:44 pm
If i dont get a fair share of the wealth of a nation why shouldent I try to destroy its government. Everyone should be entitled to enough wealth to buy food, clothing and a place to live if they are willing to work. Our problem is a lack of jobs, not a lack of people willing to work for fair wages. And a concentration of wealth in a small, 1%, group of people who will be very surprised when the people revolt and start killing them. Thanks to the gun nuts we have the weapons to do this.
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 12:01 am
And after the revolt happens, and everyone with money is killed, then what?
Who will control the money?
Who will disburse it so that everyone gets their "fair" share?
How will you ensure that the people disbursing it are giving everyone their "fair" share?

And after someone loses their share, what then?
Are you going to give them more money to make up what they lost?
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 05:39 am

When did it become wrong to work for and earn your fair share?
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 05:57 am
H2O MAN wrote:

When did it become wrong to work for and earn your fair share?

That's never been the case. If you're saying people should get their fair share, I think most people would agree with you. It's unfair shares that are the problem today.
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 07:35 am
H2O MAN wrote:

When did it become wrong to work for and earn your fair share?
Robbing and thieving can often be hard work, and even demand a high level of skill... You cannot say that a person willing to risk death or prison for loot is not investing little gain with much pain... The difference between earning your share and taking far beyond your share out of the share of so many is obvious to all but you... And even if the nation sees fit to allow wealth to a few who do well, invent, invest, and inovate to the benefit of the whole society, then why should it make that wealth difference permanent and complete... We should always ask the Rich: What have you done for me lately... I think they got this place cheap, with the price of a bribe, and they have sold it cheap abroad... They have exported our capital and our rights and imported the world's poverty... What they have earned is a place on the scaffold... What they have worked for is our hopelessness...
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 07:39 am
mysteryman wrote:

And after the revolt happens, and everyone with money is killed, then what?
Who will control the money?
Who will disburse it so that everyone gets their "fair" share?
How will you ensure that the people disbursing it are giving everyone their "fair" share?

And after someone loses their share, what then?
Are you going to give them more money to make up what they lost?
Killing is not the object since when it begins there is no end to it... American should take America back, and make new rules to keep the commonwealth common for a longer period of time... If people want a piece of it, they ought to show some good reason to keep it, starting with paying taxes on it... Taxes are the way people pay their dues... People pay for the good of the commonwealth, and to think that private wealth is good because it is good because it is good is pure idealism... Where is the good??? The wealth of a nation must support the people or their is no nation, but only class against class...
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 01:32 pm

You were dealt an abnormal brain, but you have learned to deal with it.

Life is unfair - deal with it.

Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 01:34 pm
So you don't think people should work for, and earn their fair share after all?
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 01:44 pm
That's right, when logic fails, resort to name-calling.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2011 01:46 pm
Don't confuse waterman with such outlandish theories Wink
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