The question you need to put to yourself is whether this "theory" is coherent to others. You cannot simply resort to phrases like ...
Quote:but this time may not be the same kind of time that we experience in our 'reality'.
...without being accused of opaque mysticism. That is the catch-all mode of religionists.
So how does one proceed to deal with "consciousness" ? Besides my specific references, you might need to consider several of the archive of over 3000 papers compiled by David Chalmers. These range from the straight "philosophical" to to frontiers of "the quantum world".
And in the possible event that your "theory"
remains coherent, you might then need to study presentation methods in order to transmit your ideas. A good example of this might me Merleau-Ponty's analysis of the phenomenology of perception, in which he shows how conscious phenomena cannot be account for by reductionist (empirical) science, but make more sense when viewed from the point of view of a Gestaltist (holistic) mechanism in which observer and observed are co-existent and co-extensive.
In short, reading any of the above should indicate to you that you are wasting your time with your current simplistic exposition.