Cosmical modeling can refer to idealism and materialism. In the geocentric model, matter has a significant advantage over mind. The sun next to the Earth in this model has some significance. This model corresponds to materialism and realism with the addition of idealism. And in the heliocentric model, mind has a significant advantage over matter. A big advantage, because the Earth plays a certain, albeit small, role in this model. The Bishop G.Berkeley system, which was a Copernican revolution in philosophy and the greatest philosophical system of all times, is not fully compatible with the heliocentric model because it does not take into account the Earth orbiting the Sun. The heliocentric model corresponds to idealism with a slight admixture of materialism and realism, where the Sun represents the subject and the Earth the object. The heliocentric model is subordinate to the
Galactic Model (it is different from my other Galactic Model concerning subquark particles, search for my text
New horizons in physics), in which all the stars in the galaxy (subjects) orbit a supermassive black hole and accreation disc at the center of the galaxy. Galactic Model corresponds to the idealism, where dominant is God the Father (accretion disc) and cosmical space (black hole) who contains the primeval singularity of the cosmos (singularity inside the black hole).
It seems that the best solution to the materialism-idealism and realism-idealism problem is adoption of all three models, geocentric, heliocentric and galactic model in my new positions of
ideomaterialism and
ideorealism. In the position of ideomaterialism, I assume a balance between mind and matter. They share reality in half. In the position of ideorealism, I assume a between mental existence and mentally independent existence. They share reality in half.
The eternal dispute between idealism and realism finds a solution in the synthesis of these positions, which is my ideomaterialism and ideorealism.
Microscopic phenomena are mental-material phenomena. But mind has a great advantage over matter in them. They are in some degree mental processes and therefore depend on the mind of the observer, as suggested by quantum mechanics.
It is worth noting that the concept of matter should be revised. The smallest particles are formed directly from space (a square microgrid of space of the order of 10^-80 m) then combine to form heavier matter. So matter is essentially space.
My theory of ideomaterialism and ideorealism is to some extent related to the concepts of Comte and Mach, who also sought a third way to idealism and materialism.
God's consciousness influenced the formation of reality in the act of creating the universe. Hence the shape of the spatial microgrid resembling a computer simulation from the 1980s. The universe is an extension of the divine body and as such has a real existence, but it is saturated with God's consciousness. Hence, the processes taking place in cosmos are, to some extent, processes of consciousness. Thus, reality has both a real and mental nature. Reality is simultaneously saturated with consciousness and real, material, i.e. spatial, formed from space (because matter is actually condensed space).
In the basic version of ideomaterialism I assumed that mind and matter (space) divide reality in half. However, the share of the mental factor may be greater and occupy not half but two thirds of reality or even over 90 percent. In the latter case, one could accept the helicentric model as more certain, then matter (Earth) would have a certain share in reality, just as the Earth has very small dimensions in relation to the Sun. However, despite its small size, the share of the material factor may be of no small importance.
In my theory, one could speak of a combination of two concepts. The theory of the world as a simulation in the mind of God (
the simulation theory, compare the shape of the microgrid of space which looks like the grids of computer simulations from the 1980s) and the theory of the world as an extension of God's body (
the God's body theory). Probably the best solution is to combine these two theories, in a half to half.
Gregory Podgorniak Poland, years 2023, 2024, 2025
about the author, My name is Gregory Podgorniak (brn. 01.1977, Szczecinek, West Pomerania, Poland). I am working on field of natural as well as social sciences. During philosophical studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (1996-1999) I was actively act in student scientific organisation, got a scientific scholarship, and one from my articles titled
Circulus vitiosus and fourfold petitio principii in the system of Descartes was published in Humanistic Drafts of Publishing House of Humaniora Foundation in Poznan, no. 6, 1998. Unfortunately certain fate events made impossible to me continuing studies to master's and later doctor's degree. Thence I was forced to be content only with a title of bachelor.
Thanks to deep and penetrating researchings I was able to establish indisputably some number of my past incarnations reaching of ancient period, these data are certain, these incarnations are: Auguste Comte (1798-1857) French philosopher and sociologist, Edme Mariotte (1620-1684) French physicist and meteorologist, Bodhidharma (5th or 6th century) buddhist patriarch, Aenesidemus (1 st century BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Arcesilaus (315-241 BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Gorgias (485-380 BC) Greek sophist.
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