RUNN1NG EMOT10N wrote:
My mom was talking about how the universe is all connected by energy and stuff like that. She said that it was a metaphysical outlook, but what you guys are saying doesn't add up with that.
Well, if we're talking about the philosophical concept of the inter-relatedness of everything then, yes, the notion that everything in the universe is connected by an energy flow would be a part of metaphysics.
If you take the word 'metaphysics' apart, all it means is 'beyond physics' or 'more than physics' (or make up your own translation

). The point is that any study of metaphysics goes beyond what can be proven by a scientist (a pysicist, in this case) working on a specific problem. It involves more than just research and proving the validity of a theory. It involves a large amount of speculation, guided sometimes by nothing more than intuition. So your mom's not entirely wrong, but there's a lot more to it than that.