This is copied from my blog, please visit it for a deeper understanding of how I view topics as Consciousness etc.
This post is one in a series where I try to explain my view on consciousness. For me the words 'Spirit', 'Soul' are just synonyms for 'Consciousness', in my posts I have on purpose used all of these words as I wan't the readers to get a feel for the topic regardless of their preposition.
These ideas are the core of my metaphysics.
Everything is Ideas
Consciousness creates realities; the Consciousness is the cause, and a reality is the effect. The Idea is the Consciousness's tool to create reality.
The Primary Subjective Hyperreality
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the Consciousness does not exists until self-realization or self awareness. Before self-realization nothing exists; no time, no space, no mass, no empty void, just nothing.
When a Consciousness becomes self aware it has an emotion that it exists; this is what I call the 'I AM'-emotion. This is the first emotion of the Consciousness and is gained through a sudden introspection.
After the Consciousness has realized its own existence it has its first idea; time. This comes as realization since it realized that 'before' it did not realize it existed, but 'now' it does. So, therefore the Consciousness's idea of before and after create time itself. When the Consciousness realizes that it has created the very time it exists in it has what I call the 'I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN'-emotion, which is its second emotion.
The Consciousness's third emotion is the 'I WILL ALWAYS BE'-emotion; this is result of Consciousness's realization that it created the hyperreality it resides by the means of its own ideas and therefore will always exist as long as its hyperreality does, which is forever.
These three emotions plus the idea of time is what I call the Primary Subjective Hyperreality; 'Primary' since it is the first and most basic hyperreality a Consciousness can experience, and 'Subjective' since it (so far) only applies to the Consciousness at hand. This Primary Subjective Hyperreality is Solipsism at its most true form.
More introspection create more complex realities
Intrigued by itself the Consciousness explores its own hyperreality, adding to its complexity with more ideas that creates more complex forms of reality. The Consciousness is always in motion, exploring its reality in all its forms. The more it explores its reality the more its ideas create. An example may be that the Consciousness observes that it now knows more than it did before; enter mathematics.
The Consciousness realized that all but it's three basic emotions may be illusions, thus the primary goal of the Consciousness is to separate what is facts from illusions. As an example, the idea of there being other Consciousness's may enter, but the Consciousness knows that the idea of another Consciousness may create one, which would cause it to be an illusion and not something real. But in fact, it may conclude that both statements are true; that it is equally true if it creates a Consciousness by its own ideas as if the second Consciousness had created itself or had been created by another Consciousness.
Merging of hyperrealities
Before merging of one Consciousness hyperreality with another Consciousness hyperreality a common concept of space and time must exists. The idea and creating of a space may occur when the Consciousness explores the ideas of other Consciousness's not being 'here' but 'somewhere but here'.
Two or more Consciousness hyperrealities can only merge if they share the same ideas of space and time. Also, they need to locate each other in what is their perception of space and time before they can start to perceive each other. Only after they realize each others presence can they begin to merge or communicate.
It is important to understand that the two to be merged hyperrealities may be vastly different in its ideas of reality. Most concepts of their realities may differ and they may therefore not understand each other or be able to perceive each others hyperreality.
If I was to make an example (please mind that this is a very abstract example to explain my ideas) of this then imagine that the Consciousness had lived inland all its life and had no other concepts than dirt and dust etc. Then one day the first Consciousness travelled far and came to a sea; the sea is here the abstract example of the second Consciousness's perceived hyperreality. Since the first Consciousness had no concept of what a 'sea' was it would sit down and ponder what this weird and beautiful thing could be. After studies, the first Consciousness create new ideas of the waves in the sea being like blue sand dunes, which were concepts it already knew from before abstracted to its own reality. The second Consciousness may also be studying the hyperreality of the first Consciousness and tries to figure it out. If that second Consciousness tries to make contact with the first, thus breaching into the first Consciousness hyperreality, it may not be clear to the first Consciousness at first; as the second Consciousness comes out from the sea the first Consciousness may think to itself -"That's a strange wave", as its concepts are lacking to understand what it sees. Just imagine if you yourself would experience something that you had no concept of understanding, where you had no symbols to relate to; then everyone would have its own subjective experience and some would explain the experience as a ghost, some a troll or even having met the devil himself, other again would see a light in the sky, etc., all so to explain the experience to themselves using symbols they can relate to.
If it dawns for the Consciousness's that they have met another Consciousness their ideas will work as a bridge that form a new merged hyperreality, this is achieved through study of the other Consciousness hyperreality. This new merged hyperreality may be vastly more complex as they feed of each others ideas and create new ideas which in turn creates more reality asf. An indefinably number of hyperrealities can be merged in this fashion.
Rules in the hyperrealities are added by mutual agreement between Consciousness's. How else can you play a game than without mutually agreed upon rules?
I postulate that our own universe is a reality created by these Consciousness's, which are Us; all Conscious Beings, and here We explore Our own common reality. There may very well be other universes too, that have been merged, are, or will be merged with Ours, or even Universes that We can not perceive.
So, happy exploring!
Kind regards,
Inge Henriksen.