Quote:Duh . . . if they'd not be caught, there'd be no conspiracy theory.
Apart from yet again missing the point - this is one of the more thoughtless remarks you've made.
Do you think there is no conspiracy theory of the assassinations of 3 pakistani presidents (previously mentioned - being the only 3 anti-US presidents in a country that hates the US)?
Do you think no conspiracy theory exists over the assassination of Torrijos and Roldos, both only 2 months apart, and both through plane explosions - who at the time were the only two South American leaders with policies that were against US interests (in the case of Panama, nationalising Oil and the Panama Canal)
Below is in relation to Roldos.
Quote:The available sources do not clarify the cause of the accident
nor do they mention any particular suspects in the case. However, as one of the attached sources reports, the plane crash led to "intense popular speculation," with some attributing its cause to the Peruvian government while others blamed the United States government (Hanratty 1990, 47). The crash that caused the death of Roldós apparently had similarities with the plane crash that killed Panamanian president Omar Torrijos less than three months later (Ibid.)
Coups run from other countries by the way, do not need to install a 'puppet' - just someone who is friendly that country.
The point I make (once you understand it) is quite easy to see, and you're quite intelligent - so it's interesting that you are behaving the way you are.
I say 'once you understand it' because many people have such prestructured responses to the words 'conspiracy theory' that it's not surprising anything involving that word is dismissed...when this is in fact illogical (everything should be based on it's merits, not it's label)