Did you happen to click on those 2 links you supplied? Obviously not.
If you did, you would notice the heading in wikipedia states "Woodsy Owl" It says underneath "redirected from "woodsy THE owl" because it's incorrect. If you click on the 2nd one in wikipedia, it states "Smoky Bear", and underneath is says "redirected from "smoky THE bear" because it's incorrect.
Go ahead, click on it and look.
This is what as known as "shooting ones self in the foot" or being "hoisted by your own petard"
As far as the Sicilian, I'm sure I never said the word racist.
In fact, according to the link below (you might want to click on it also, and actually read it) it was the actual NA's who didn't feel good about DeCorti playing that part, as he was playing up a stereotye "not appreciated by NA people", and also, IMHO because he was cashing in on pretending to be something he's not. Did I mention he denied his real heritage? He either wasn't proud of his own background, or realized he could make more money playing and actually pretending in real life to be an Indian.
A lot of actors who's appearance looks like a particular group of people not their own play those parts. It's a job. But they don't lie or deny who they really are.
and who cares? What, if you don't care about something, no one else should?
They are fictional?
Yeah, like your cartoon characters on which you impose strict moral codes?
They're just fictional, who cares?