He doesn't need help, or resources, or advice, or answers to his zillion questions, or software, or reference books, or scholarships, or grants, or another college degree...
He gets lost in obsessional fantasy activity about creating a comic. If he's not obsessing over one thing, he's obsessing about another--that's what his 9+ years of internet "research" have been about. He gets mired in obsessional details. He never actually acts, he never actually does anything, he just thinks about doing things...endlessly...and the more he thinks, the more details, and options, he gets caught up in. His obsessions really paralyze him. But they also keep him from having to deal with rejection or failure, since he never creates anything that can be judged by others, so they are protective too, they are a defense mechanism.
What JG needs is a good shrink.
He's rejected that suggestion too.