You don't need it to be fulfilled.
Speak for yourself.
The sex drive is as normal, and natural, and innate, as the drives for hunger and thirst. There is nothing immoral about our God-given primary biological drives--they are part of our biological make-up as human beings.
Quote:SEX is an EVIL, DESTRUCTIVE thing outside of marriage.
Sex is the same inside and outside of marriage--a biological drive is a biological drive. However, if, on the basis of religion, one believes that sexual behavior should only be engaged in for purposes of procreation, then they should confine their sexual activity to such purposes, and only within a marriage. But all people do not share those beliefs.
People can be evil and destructive, biological drives have no morality.
Quote:God will judge the sexually immoral.
God will judge them. So, why don't you shut up about it and let God do His job. You are not God.