Quote:I want to FINISH the research- do you have any advice about dealing with that?
It's unending, JG. You'll always find some excuse to do
more research.
You either have to be able to start actual work on a comic book, using only the research you have already done, or give yourself a
firm deadline--like a month, to have it all done. Then make a schedule for actually working on the comic book itself, stages/steps to be completed,
with firm deadlines for each of them, and STICK TO IT!
Quote:Do you have any advice about how to act on foreign culture sites so that I don't get in trouble?
Stay away from them until you get your first comic book completed.
You are already looking for too many details of foreign languages, cultures, etc. and those things are really not going to significantly enhance your comic book, but searching, endlessly, for more of them, will keep you from doing your comic book
at all. The buyer of a comic book wants a good plot, interesting characters, and good artwork--and none of those things should require 9+ years of extensive research to accomplish. Settle for what you already know, and concentrate on just getting the comic book
actually done.