IDK there were a couple of "normal" and good replies there from JG so I'll answer.
How real is your dream and how bad do you want it to be a reality...Because until you can "taste it" no jokes there jcboy

it will always remain just a dream, that you toy with.
You can search until the cows come home and in that, change things around, and around, and around and end up back at square one in confusion... Stop searching... You know what you are after, you have the names, visualise what they look like to you, you've done enough research.
And, then put it into action.
If there are other things going on in your life, one being you need a job, write an action plan...
This is my dream, I'm ready.
What do I need to do?
How much will that cost.
What job can I apply for
How long will it take to save that money
What hours will I work
What hours do I have left to work on this dream
Etc, etc