That is so typical of you Setanta. As an atheist you cannot even comprehend the concept of some shared human experience, such a figure could be explained by a neurological function, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the supernatural. Yet as an atheist you dismiss it in a cavalier fashion.
Atheists like yourself similarly dismissed the notion of the Komodo Dragon, putting it down as sailors stories and old wives' tales. Yet the Komodo Dragon, does exist so God must definitely exist. That's not the only irrefutable proof of the existance of God though. I've just been watching the space shuttle astronauts being interviewed. One of them could have bunged a teapot out of the window on the way back. Therefore there would be a teapot in orbit, so God exists again. FACT.
Next, it's not beyond the wit of man to paint an elephant pink, and stick a rocket up its arse. Proof of God number three. So now you've been given proof, not just of the existance of God, but of the trinity. The Dragon, The Teapot and The Elephant With A Rocket Up It's Arse.
But we don't have that do we? Nobody put a rocket up an elephant's arse, nobody bunged a teapot in orbit. For Sham. But, because of Atheists like you we still have the Komodo Dragon. So thanks to you we're going to spend all of eternity being chased by a ******* Komodo Dragon.
Thanks a bunch.