"Why I am Running"
My name is Blake Ashby, and I am running for president. Why? Because it is time for moderate
republicans to stand up for the traditional GOP values of individual freedom, limited government and
fiscal restraint.
I am committed to free markets and free trade -- and firmly opposed to unfunded mandates and
bloated budgets.
"Individual freedom,
limited government and
fiscal restraint"
These used to be the core values of our party -- and the well spring of economic growth. We saw this
not just as good fiscal policy but as a moral obligation, an act of stewardship. This ensured the
excesses of one generation would not be visited on the next. Yet this administration has abandoned
these economic values for short-term political gain.
I am running because the extreme social conservatives are taking over this party-and it is time for
freedom-loving moderates to take it back.
The Republican Party was born into the cause of individual liberty, and with my commitment to
economic freedom, constitutional rights and limited government, I am prepared to challenge this
administration's intrusive, heavy-handed approach to the challenges facing our great nation.
Link -> http://www.ashby2004.com/