Five foot in her socks
That's four too many feet there
A freak of nature.
good politicians
Have the gone into hiding?
Name one, I challenge you.
Name one, I challenge
You, oxymoron.
Honest politics?
Honest politics?
Milit'ry intelligence?
And Microsoft Works?
And Microsoft Works
Word or works, that is question
Play with them all now
Play with them all now
They grow up so very fast
Before they're too old
Before they're too old
Kids and grandkids can make you
Old, young, it depends
Old, young, it depends
teenager, senior or child
adults make the grade
Adults make the grade,
The world, the politics - all.
Kids, too, make a mess.
Kids too, make a mess
Paint & Play-Dough in their hair
Bathtime is a must
Bathtime is a must,
Dirty, snotty children who
Play in sticky mud.
Play in sticky mud
The Hippo in his glory
Cool, in Africa
Cool, in Africa,
The slopes of the Rift Valley
And a gentle breeze.
And a gentle breeze
Blows through my open window
Touching my body
And a gentle breeze
Stirs up bumps of goose flesh
lull my mind to rest
Lull my mind to rest
With Beethoven sonatas.
Let me sleep till noon.
Let me sleep till noon?
No, no, no, never!
I'd miss my magic morningS.
Olguletkin, those 2 lines are transposed... we've been ever so strict about the 5-7-5 rule!
No, no no, never!
So saying, Lady Bickstaff
Fainted dead away.
Clary wrote:Olguletkin, those 2 lines are transposed... we've been ever so strict about the 5-7-5 rule!
We have?
You mean I've transposed?
Please enlighten me, Clarykin!