Sending people broke
Is a fav'rite pastime of
Bankers and lawyers.
Bankers and lawyers
Scum of the earth in my view
Call them parasites.
Call them parasites.
But, that doesn't change the fact.
They are still human.
Call them parasites,
call them woodland bird delights,
bring them home to nest!
They are still human -
despite their funny ways of
greeting you at dawn.
greeting you at dawn.
With a summons in their hand.
You call that funny?
You call that funny?
I don't. Scurrilous it is,
to wake me up so.
to wake me up so.
I say let sleeping dogs lie,
is that your view to?.
Is that your view too?
Forever oceans of time
For you to enjoy.
For you to enjoy,
Such wisdom from one so young,
A pat on the back.
A Pat on the back
not very welcome for a
Giants quarterback
Giants quarterback
zings the Patriots with a
new snow cone offense.
new snow cone offense.
Haven't a clue what that means,
Can you explain please?
Can you explain please:
We drive on a parkway but
Park on a driveway?
Park on a driveway
In front of the grand mansion.
The butler greets you.
The butler greets you
But he greets everybody.
He's programmed that way.
He's programmed that way,
That accountant who tells you
To pay him lots more.
To pay him lots more,
Blair insists on private jobs,
Lining his coffers.
Lining his coffers
From perks and under table gifts
Laughing all the way.
Laughing all the way
To the bank, the con artist
Fell under a bus.