Like 'Home on the Ranch'
The old songs flooded through the
Clapboard house on Fourth.
Clapboard house on Fourth
A plausible timbred voice
Gently lapping shores
Gently lapping shores;
warm southern waters swirling
into tidal pools.
into tidal pools
everyone dived with gusto
only to cool down
Only to cool down
I jumped into the icy
Condamine River
Condamine River,
Other rivers come to mind:
Thames, Ohio, Nile.
Thames, Ohio, Nile
Rolling down to the bright sea,
And of course, the Dart.
And of course, the dart,
quivering dramatically,
landed in the wall!
landed in the wall,
my fist made a hand-shaped hole,
Upset? Yeah, you bet.
Upset, yeah? You bet
She was, I'd run over her
Smelly ginger tom.
Smelly ginger Tom
An alley cat with no scruples
Copulating Ginger
Copulating Ginger.
Buderim would be the place.
Lovely hinterlands.
(Get your mind out of the scatological gutter old son)
Lovely hinterlands
full of scatalogical
epenthesis sounds
Epenthesis sounds
As though Australian spice
Is well known worldwide.
Is well know worldwide,
Backward sentences, these are,
Just like Yoda says.
Just like Yoda says,
Make sentences we are able
With verbs at the end.
With verbs at the end
Is how we must talk like yo-
Da Force be with you!
Da Force be with you.
That makes me think of Ditka
in a Vader suit.
in a Vader suit
what exteaordinary
never seen the like of it
Never seen the like
It's definitely a first
Cutty Sark on fire