I think she's cheating
herself of the good in life
by staying with him.
by staying with him,
knows she is on a good thing,
why go and leave him?
why go and leave him?
He's got a nice house, nice car,
So what if he drinks?
So what if he drinks
Ketchup with his brandy and
Leaves dead dogs around.
Leaves dead dogs around,
Which stink the place out rotten
And are avoided.
And are avoided
circumstances really gone?
"Birds come home to roost."
Birdscome home to roost
Like long forgotten friends so missed
Never to leave again
Never to leave again
Has too many syllables
Dutchy, please take care!
Dutchy, please take care,
Rest your weight on your elbows
And some on your knees.
And some, on your knees,
Pray for forgiveness! Your sins
Cry out for mercy.
Cry out for Mercy,
You can say UNCLE, perhaps,
Did I leave a mark?
"Did I leave a mark
with his dough?" mused the con man.
"I'm losing my edge!"
I am losing my edge!
Come home at once, hold me close
I'm waiting for you.
I'm waiting for you
In the grand four-poster bed
My husband bought me.
My husband bought me.
A surprise birthday gesture
Made for a lover's dream.
Made for a lover's
Dream? Dutchy, count the bloody
Syllables, can't you?
Syllables, can't you?
I'd try if I knew how to.
Is it difficult?
Is it difficult
To drown a dandelion
Or mince a daisy?
Or mince a daisy.
Arugula fellow's hip.
Meet in the salad.
Meet in the salad,
It's a great place to hang out,
Like home on the ranch.