LOL!!! This is some funny ****!
I've got a pocket full of U.S. cash, and I'm ready to watch the Bear dance.
Shake it!
Eva wrote:Move on down, Gus. I wanna seat for this, too.
Me too. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
farmerman is that a roll of dimes in your pocket, are you glad to see me, or are you just a chitty tipper?
<why is he talking? i thought he was here to dance?

Farmerman, I just noticed your signature line. Did this come from a particular source, or it is just your own, imitiable wisdom? <g>
dammit I don't know how to post pictures.....
I wanna see the Bear dressed as the Indian. I am prepared to offer substantial sums for this. Mr. Jespah, dear, where's the mortgage money?
There is a cover charge ladies, and a 2 drink minimum
(aside to bear) -stick with me junior, Ill make you a legend.
Wasnt the hardhat guy the real "Greaseman" from radio a few years back? he went out about the same time as those 2 guys who had people have sex in St Patricks Cathedral (Oprah and Andy?)
just make me rich farmerman...I'm already a legend.
My Cirkus site is back up and this came in on the guestbook today. Like I said..already a living legend.
Saturday, January 10, 2004 03:06 PM Host:
Played with Dave Savage in The Blasting Caps with Mason as the manager (Jesus how did you ever put up with Mason?) Would love to hear from any of the guys from back then and maybe get together and jam sometime. I remember jerking Steves shorts down at Whiskey River when he was trying to talk to these chicks and finding out he had no no underwear. He never missed a beat, just kept talking with his pecker dangling. Great band, great show.
You see Jespah I never have worn anything under my loin cloth.....
He's tellin' stories.
But he's still not dancing.
I'm patient, but really!
have you paid the cover and minimum?
Nice lady?
oK BEAR-get ready,
hold 'em off farmerman...someone has made off with my chrome and leather codpiece....damn these groupies....damn their eyes!!!!!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we paid the cover, we paid the minimum, we've ordered a coupla pitchers for the table, and we've got cash in hand...
Montana, hand him back his codpiece......Come on now, let go of it....... I'm serious, girl, let GO!....<<wrestling it from Montana and throwing it up on stage to Bear>>
Enough already! LET'S SEE YA DANCE!!!
Mortgage money, eh?
(O'Bill put me up to it.)